Photo Search

Reminder: In order to use this method to add photos in blog post, simply copy and paste from your Google Doc into your Blogger blog post as in this example.

In a Google Doc or Presentation, click Insert / Image.

Click Search.

In the box that pops up, you'll notice the circled statement. This means that we can search Google Images right here to find photos that we have permission to use.

Click the drop down menu to see your choices of what you can search.

  • Choose Google to search Google Images.

  • Choose LIFE to choose photos from history.

  • Choose Stock to search professional quality stock images.


Here's an example of searching Google Images.


Here's an example searching LIFE images.

Google Stock Images

Here's an example searching Google Stock Images. Notice the circled text. You can only use Google Stock Images if your final product will be in Google Apps (Docs, Presentation, Blogger, etc.)

Once you decide on an image, you can click Select. If you are using Google Search, don't forget to copy the URL listed so you can cite your source.

Somewhere in your document, presentation, or blog post, provide a link to where the image came from as in this example.

If you are using Google Stock Images, there is no link, but you can cite your source as in this example.

If you want to use these photos in Google Blogger, simply copy and paste from your Google Doc into your Blogger blog post as in this example.

Don't forget to cite your source!