SCHOLARSHIP DATABASE: All scholarship info and links are on this Google Sheet. If you need any help or more information, see your counselor.

When filling out a scholarship application remember that neatness, thoroughness and presentation count.  Your application is often the only way that a scholarship committee will know you. The more complete and clean it is, the better your first impression will be. 

**Do not forget to send a thank you note if you receive a scholarship**

To be recognized and honored at the Senior Awards Banquet in May, please fill out the Google Form with any school specific or community scholarships, awards, honors, school grants you have received or will be receiving as a part of your school's financial aid package. 

Sacred Journeys Spiritual Community is currently accepting applications for the Giving

Back to Those Who Give Scholarship Opportunity. Sacred Journeys Spiritual

Community is an inclusive, progressive Christian community that originated in 2011 and

is committed to achieving wholeness through worship, learning, social justice and

mission. Sacred Journeys would like to honor our community members who, through

service work, are committed to making our surrounding area a better place. This

scholarship opportunity is in the amount of $1,000 and is to be dispersed in $500

increments at semester for the 2023-2024 school year. Recipients must provide

documentation at semester to prove continued enrollment. Applicants and recipients

may re-apply annually.

scholarship application 2024.docx

The Wisconsin Association for Food Protection (WAFP) welcomes student applications for the following awards:

Scholarships: *due June 30

• $2,000 Technical College Scholarship

• $3,000.00 College or University Scholarship

• $3,000 E. H. Marth Scholarship