
I hope that your children are enjoying kindergarten. They are a great bunch and we are off to a terrific start!

This month we will focus on Fall and Halloween


- continue printing names

- continue colors

- rhyming, syllables

- numbers 1-5

- patterning & sorting

-fine motor skills

Letter of the week – We will be starting our letter study on October 5th. We talk about the letter of the week, print the letter, and do a letter of the week activity. In kindergarten, it’s important to learn the name and sound of the letters.

Colors- We will continue to learn about one color each week. On Thursdays, students can wear and bring a snack for themselves associated with the week’s color.

Please check the calendar for the color of the week.

Ideas for snacks:

Special helper - Every student will get a day each month to be the special helper. There is a calendar on my website that shows who the student helper is each day. If there are not enough days in a month to fit all the students then they will start the following month.

This month the student helper will share information all about them. The activity will be sent home with the instructions on how to complete the activity.

VolunteersIf you are able to come and help in the classroom please remember that you need to have your criminal check completed to volunteer in the school. Just let me know when you would like to come in.

Book Order- If you wish to order, simply fill out the form and send a cheque made out to Scholastic Canada Ltd. These orders are provided as a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for their child at a low price.There is the option for you to pay online with a credit card at scholastic.ca