Other Curriculum

Year-long Curriculum

Environment and community awareness

-the student is curious and interested in learning about the environment/community

-the student uses materials available in the environment and becomes aware of how others use these materials

-the student explores familiar places/things in the environment/community

Personal and social responsibility

-the child develops positive attitudes toward learning

-the child accepts and practices responsibility

-the child demonstrates and practices independence

-the child experiences and expresses feelings in socially acceptable ways

Physical Education

-the child acquires basic locomotor, nonlocomotor and manipulative skills at a developmentally appropriate level in a variety of environments

-the child develops fine motor and perceptual motor skills

-the child develops attitudes and behaviours that promote a healthy lifestyle

-the child assumes responsibility to lead an active life

Creative expression

-the child will demonstrate their creativity by exploring a variety of art forms (language, art, movement, music, drama)

-the child becomes aware of various forms of expression