
Why Read?

Take a look at the family report based on Scholastic Canada's 2017 findings.



The children will learning proper formation of each letter, beginning with correctly printing their first name.

We will be talking about when we print our name we begin with a capital letter and all the subsequent letters are lower case.

Alphabet Recognition

We will be spending time reviewing the letters of the alphabet to better prepare your child for beginning reading skills. The better alphabet song is what we use for phonological awarness and the secret stories program.

For the next few months, these letters and sounds will be introduced in the following order: a,m,t,p,f,i,n, nasalized a, o,d,c/k, u,g,b,e,s,k,h,r,l,w,j,y,x/ks, qu/kw,v and z. We follow the ufli literacy program. 

We also use the heggerty program everyday to strengthen their phonemic awareness

Sight Words

Sight words are words that typically cannot be sounded out and need to be memorized for automatic recall. Learning these words will assist in your child in their daily reading skills.

We will also be doing the following:  poetry, rhymes and reading from a variety books.

Oral skills

-learning songs

-learning how voice, gestures and expression support meaning

-repeating a few words and phrases

-starting to correctly use class vocabulary and familiar words

-begin to develop public speaking skills

Emerging writing skills

-copying common words like their own name

-use pictures, letter and word approximations to convey a message

-begin to write simple phrases with a model

Oral Comprehension

-develop good listening habits such as being attentive

-make predictions based on illustrations, the title and context clues

-ask questions for clarification

-appreciate stories and songs

-listening/comprehending to short, illustrated texts read out loud and supported with gestures

-retelling a short story

-using environmental cues and class routines to support the development of listening skills

-starting to follow simple directions

-starting to demonstrate an understanding of spoken language

Reading Comprehension

-understanding the general meaning of a story through illustrations