Welcome to Kindergarten!

Please remember to pack a snack and a healthy lunch. You may notice that your kids are hungrier at school and require more food.

-Please send mailbags EVERYDAY :)

-Pack nut free healthy snacks (we talk a lot about fruit and vegetables so if you can include one of each everyday that would be great)

A few tips to remember

-Involve your child in packing their backpack so they know whats in there.

-If it is colder than -20 degrees with windchill, students are invited in to the hallways.

-Put your child's name on ALL outdoor clothing please.

-CALL THE SCHOOL if your child is absent (you can call in the middle of the night!)

-Send a note in the mailbag if there is a change in the pick up routine. I don't check emails during the day and if I am not here, no one will get the message. If there is a sub here, it makes the organization and safety of pick up quite difficult.

-send a note if you don't want your child taking the bus home, otherwise it is my job to ensure your child is on the bus!

Parent Volunteers

I would love parent helpers, but please allow September to be for adjusting and learning the routines, but in October I would love to have you to come in and be apart of our lovely class. We only need one parent helper in at a time unless we have something special happening in the class. Please remember to hand in your Criminal Record Check prior to your first volunteer time and don’t forget to sign in at the office when you get here.

Toys in the Classroom

Please ask your child to keep toys and such at home as this causes conflict in the classroom.

Classroom Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal: Please drop off and pick up your child at the outside Kindergarten doors. We line up against the brick wall. With your cooperation we can make the boot room area less congested for everyone. We are very careful about dismissing children and would appreciate your help. Please check with them that they have said good-bye to their teacher so we can be assured that your child has been picked up safely. If you are late, your child can be picked up in the office.

*Please be aware of the no play zone around the parking lot. Kindergarten are only permitted to play at the "small playground"


Your child is allowed to take out one book each week as long as the previous one was returned in good condition. Library times are: to be announced


* Birthdays - On your child’s birthday we will have a short classroom celebration. Weekend birthdays will be celebrated on the closest possible day. All summer birthdays will be celebrated in May and June. Please note that Oriole Park is a nut aware school (no nuts of any kind) so please keep this in mind when preparing a snack.

Change of Clothes

In case of accidents or messy play please always keep a change of clothes for your child in a plastic zip locked bag labelled with their name. The clothes will be kept in your child’s backpack so that they are readily accessible at school and on field trips. Keeping them in the backpack also allows you to change them as your child grows.


Healthy snacks are an important part of our day. Part of the Kindergarten Health curriculum requires us to teach nutrition. We find that one of the best ways to do this is during snack time. Please send a small nutritious snack each day.