R-package: AnimalINLA

AnimalINLA is a R-package build on INLA that provides functionality for analyzing 'animal models' / additive genetic models / pedigree based models using INLA. The theory is described in Holand et al. 2013, G3: Genes, Genome, Genetics 3: 1241-1251 (case study data files available here). Please refer to this paper if you use AnimalINLA.


Version 1.4: AnimalINLA_1.4 (use .tar.gz for linux and .zip for Windows)

You need to install INLA before installing AnimalINLA. If you experience problems, upgrading R might help. Please contact us (email) if you have any problems using AnimalINLA, or questions about extensions.

Installation for Linux / Mac

-Start R

>install.packages("/directory/AnimalINLA_1.4.tar.gz", repos=NULL)

where /directory/ is the directory where you downloaded/saved the package.

Installation for Windows

Alternative 1:

-Start R

-Select the Packages menu

-Install package from local zip file by find and highlight the location of the zip file

- Click on to open

- Load package:


Alternative 2:

-Start R

>install.packages("/directory/AnimalINLA_1.4.zip", repos=NULL)

where /directory/ is the directory where you downloaded/saved the package.

> library(AnimalINLA)

Old versions