A future change for survival models

Post date: Aug 6, 2016 4:46:21 PM

We need to make some backward incomptatible changes for survival models, as several likelihoods might be used in both a regression context and a survival context. Likelihoods that require a inla.surv() object as the reposens, will be named FAMILY.surv, and if the same likelihood is available in a regression context, it will be named FAMILY. The first change is the lognormal, which now exists as 'lognormal' and 'lognormal.surv'. See inla.doc("lognormal") for an example. This change appears in the most recent testing version. Likelihoods that will be affected are: exponential, weibull, loglogistic. If you run weibull survival, then after these future changes, you'll get an error before you change the family name to 'weibull.surv'.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
