Year 4

Year 4 te reo Māori

Kōrerorero: discussion

Outcome: to engage students in directions in te reo Māori, and encourage speaking in te reo Māori with fluency, accuracy and clarity.

Learning strands: Mātakitaki (observing) Kōrero (speaking) Whakarongo (listening)

Learning method: The Kaiako will write a series of sentences and model the sentences in terms of pronunciation to the students. The lesson will look at the usage of “Ko, ia and He””. The Kaiako will display a series of sentences for students to fill in the gaps

Ko = Tense marking when addressing a name

Ia = He/she

He = A/some

e.g: Ko ________ tōku ingoa _________ is my name

Ko _________ tōku kura _________ is my school

Ko__________ tōku Kaiako ________ is my teacher

Ko __________ tōku Kaiako reo Māori _________ is my Māori teacher

Ko __________ tōku mōkai, he _______ ia __________ is my pet, he/she is a ________

He mihi nui, he mihi aroha ki a koutou a heartfelt greeting to you all

e.g: Ko Bella tōku ingoa

Ko Pt England tōku kura

Ko Ms King tōku Kaiako

Ko Ms Tito tōku Kaiako reo Māori

Ko Bruno tōku mōkai, he kuri ia

He mihi nui, he mihi aroha ki a koutou

Note: allow the student flexibility if they do have more than 1 pet to include them, furthermore, if they do not have a pet, allow them to include a pet or pets if they were able to have one or some.

Aromatawai: Assessment

The students can be assessed in the following 5 categories

Aromatawai: Assessment: Tick the box applicable to the students’ level of understanding