Blog Templates or Skins

Blogger has a set of themes to use to change the layout of your blog.

But Bebo, MySpace and Facebook have changed student perception of how a social page should look and they thrive on bling!

There are loads of places on the internet where you can get free templates (or skins as the kids choose to call them) to update your blog with. But do check carefully if they will simply add to your existing blog, or if they delete all your existing widgets. As far as I know they ALL delete you Google Analytics code when they install.

Always follow Blogger's instructions to download the existing template to your desktop first, so you can replace it if things go wrong.

Following are a few sites you could check out for skins/ templates:

The Cutest Blog on the Block

A very popular site. Skins are extremely easy to install and keep your existing widget intact (apart from Google Analytics which would need to be re installed)

Drawback is that the themes are very American and you have to search hard to find gender neutral or boy friendly themes. It can be done though!

Bonus is all the Banners and Extras they supply if you want to go all out to bling your blog

B Templates

This set of templates includes some fun looking kids' themes, but you would be best installing with a brand new blog as you are likely to lose all your widgets installed.

Instant Shift

120 blogger templates

These are best used when starting out with a new blog

eBog Templates

This series look like they may do less damage to your exisiting page on the upload than some of them.

This particular template has a tutorial about how to swap out his image for one of your own if you are interested in customising your own template

Thanks to dgende,Allanahk, and davein2it from my Twitter network for suggesting their favourite templates for this page.

If you run out of ideas, don't forget Allanah King's

Bling for Your Blog

She has endless tips and tutorials there...