Creating Pages

Creating Pages - for archiving or special features

Blogger now has the option to create up to 10 extra pages. ( See examples at the bottom of this page)

We suggest you place them as Tabs along the top (under the title) to keep them distinct from sidebar items.


One major reason to use these extra pages is to archive the work each class has done. This can be very useful when you are using the same blog year after year.

So pages dedicated to:

Class of 2007

Class of 2008

Class of 2009

Class of 2010


can be very useful to your former students returning to look for their work.

Some teachers are using it to create a professional "About Me" page to provide information to other educators wondering who is the dedicated teacer behind this kids' blog!

This is how you go about setting them up;

Sign in to your Blogger account.

On the Dashboard you will see > Edit Posts

Click > Edit Posts

From there select > Edit Pages

It informs that you can add up to 10 stand alone pages

Click > New Page

Give this Page a Title

(Hint: Keep it VERY short or it will sprawl across the top of your blog)

Add content to the page

Click > Publish

The first time you do this you will be asked how you would like the Pages to display

Hint: Select Blog Tabs to display across the top. This separates them from all your sidebar content.

The appearance of the Tabs can be adjusted in the blog template design