
If you are looking for a book of facts then Non-Fiction is where you need to go. Non-Fiction books are organised in most libraries using the Dewey Decimal System (DDS). This means that each book is classified using an agreed number system, determined by its main subject area.

The DDS starts at 000 and ends in the 900's. Each "100" level offers a new section and topic. That is how we classify and catalogue books so that all 'like' books are shelved together. This makes it easier to find when you are looking for a 'cookbook', as opposed to a book about 'Ancient Egypt'.

Each number, or "Call Number", has three digits and if there is a sub-section then there is a decimal point followed by more numbers. For example, if you were looking for books on just Cleopatra, then the call number you are looking for will be 932.02.

With over 8,600 Non-Fiction books available in the Gilroy Library, there are plenty to choose from!

Students may borrow up to 2 Non-Fiction books for 2 weeks.

We have a wide variety of titles available that can help you with your school assessments and studies especially in the areas of Ancient and Modern History, English, Mathematics, HSIE and Religion.

If you are looking for reading for enjoyment we also have self-help books, biographies, books on movies, the Guinness book of world records, how to draw your own manga, art books, cookbooks, books on the earth, real crime stories, English literature, world history just to name a few....there is plenty for everyone!