
Do you love to read make-believe stories? Lucky, because our Fiction collection has over 3,000 books to choose from!

Here at Gilroy, we divide different story genres into colour-coded sections to make it easier to search for something you might like. Do you love fantasy books like the Harry Potter series or maybe Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series? Then in our Library, you will look for a light blue sticker on the top part of the spine of the book which represents the genre of "Fantasy".

Each genre has its own particular sticker colour, or label on the spine to make it easier to find. Once you choose the genre section you are interested in, like all other libraries, our Fiction collection is sorted by the alphabetical surname of the author.

You can borrow up to 4 Fiction books for 3 weeks at a time in our Library.

Our genre sections and their colours include:

We also have a range of:

  • Graphic Novels, which includes our Manga collection;

  • Picture Books; and

  • Short Stories.

These books have image stickers on the spine, and can also be found in our main fiction section.