Horizontal Band Saw

The horizontal band saw can be used similarly to the handheld band saw when it is attached to a table, but has different ways it can be used as well.

The horizontal band saw can be oriented either horizontally or vertically in a manner similar to a chop saw. When using it horizontally the saw is operated in a similar way to the handheld metal cutting band saw and wood cutting band saws. It can be used to cut large and awkward pieces of metal like the other band saws. You can also cut pieces free hand that otherwise would not have been able to be secured.

You can also use the horizontal band saw in a similar way as a chop saw. You have to re orient the machine so that it is configured for horizontally cutting. When you use it like this the saw cuts straight lines in the secured material. It can be set at different exact angles to ensure a cut is how you want it. When you use it like this the material is secured and stays in one place while the blade comes down on it.

The process to orient it one way or another can be time consuming and it is generally not used in the vertical configuration. Because of this the tool is usually left in the horizontal configuration.

To ensure safety make sure to follow procedure and to check the machine before use. To check the machine look at the tension indicator on the upper left part of the arm. On the arm you should see a spot that has two different colored squares with a line separating them in the middle. There is also a line that runs parallel to the dividing line right under the squares. Ensure that the line diving the squares and the line underneath them are aligned with each other. This ensures that the blade is under correct tension. To adjust tension use the knob directly to the side of the tension guide.

In the past there have been instances where the blade got damaged during a cut. The blade gets damaged commonly from the operator bringing the blade down too quickly or not sufficiently securing the material. To ensure as safe a cut as possibly you should always ensure that you are following the proper procedure to reduce the chance of this. You should also always be using the proper protective equipment, and ensure that those around you are as well. If the blade does get damaged this usually results in an improper cut and can damage the material. Sometimes it causes the material to jump and become unsecured. If this happens remain calm and turn off the machine.

After using the machine make sure to clean up both the machine and your workspace. Make sure to grab any metal pieces that may have been left behind from the cut.

Using a Horizontal Band Saw:

What is a Horizontal Band Saw?

Cutting with the Horizontal Band Saw:



Changing the orientation from horizontal to vertical: