Full Time Faculty

Please see the details below about Full Time Faculty (code 102) appointments. Overall, there are 6 major types of faculty transactions that each require different steps. It is our goal to onboard all faculty BEFORE their official start date to ensure IT access, benefits access and timely paychecks. Please see below for a reference guide and important timelines. 

New Hires 

For a process diagram, please see the Step-by-Step Onboarding Workflow for FT Faculty.

Re-hire of a faculty member with a ‘break-in-service’

Many faculty members are rehired after a 'break-in-service'. These are typically Global Professors who teach every Fall semester, for example

Extension of a fixed term faculty appointment that is active

Fixed term faculty appointments can be extended, for example a visiting professor can be extended for another academic year

Termination of faculty appointment

Terminations are processed after receiving notice of a faculty member's resignation or retirement.

Additional Compensation & Teaching Overloads

Additional compensation is for additional ad-hoc duties, teaching overloads during the academic year, and/or grant-funded summer salary

January Term or Summer Teaching

We utilize the A&S Information System (OASIS) to plan course staffing compensation for each semester/term.