

This new version of purchasing application continues to provide users the ability to request and approve purchase requests through the web. Additional features including unlimited line items, attachments, multiple PIs, multiple cost centers, quantity received update and invoice upload.

Required Information in order to submit a purchase request:

1. Department - Select the department which will process the request

2. Purpose of the purchase request

3. PI - Can be searched by name. Multiple PIs can be added by clicking on "Add PI" if the purchase requires multiple PIs' approvals

4. Vendor - Can be searched by name and can be created if does not exist by clicking on "Add New"

5. Shipping address - Can only be shipped to an on-campus location

6. Add order items to be purchased. More items can be added by clicking on "Add Item"

7. Cost center if requester is a PI or Pre-approved user

User Access Types:

1. Requester Access who can submit purchase requests to be approved by PI.

2. PI Access who can submit purchase requests with approved status and will be processed by purchasing agent

3. Pre-approved Access who can submit purchase requests with approved status.

4. Alternative Approver Access who can manage purchase requests.

5. Purchasing Agent Access who places orders to vendors


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