Student Conduct on Student Transporation






Students, parents/guardians, bus drivers and school officials must work together to provide for the safe transportation of students. The school buses, bus stops, and all other forms of transportation provided by the district or provided incidental to a school activity are considered school property. Students are subject to district authority and discipline while waiting for, entering and riding district transportation. The superintendent or designee will create and enforce administrative procedures detailing the conduct expected of students and will make that information available to students and parents.

Students who fail to observe district rules or fail to contribute to a safe transportation environment will be subject to disciplinary action including , but not limited to, suspension of the privilege of riding the bus. Students with disabilities will be disciplined in accordance with their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or applicable law. The bus driver or other authorized personnel shall report all misbehavior or dangerous situations to the principal as soon as possible .


Adopted :   September  12, 2001


Cross Refs:    

EEA, Student Transportation Services

JG, Student Discipline

JGF, Discipline Reporting and Records

Legal Refs:     §§ 160.261, 571.030, RSMo.

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq. 34 C.F.R. Part 300


New Franklin R-I School District, New Franklin, Missouri