Evaluation of Principals



The superintendent or designee ("evaluator") will annually evaluate the performance of principals in the district using an evaluation instrument incorporating the Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation as adopted by the Missouri State Board of Education. Pursuant to these principles, the evaluation process should:


The primary purpose of the evaluation is to improve student performance by promoting the continuous growth of principals in a manner that is aligned with the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) and, where applicable, building improvement plans (BIPs). Results of the evaluation will inform employment and compensation decisions, but may not be the only factor considered . The term "principal" also includes assistant principals.


The superintendent or designee may use the evaluation process described in this policy for the evaluation of other administrators, if appropriate.

Standards-Based Evaluation

The evaluator will measure performance based on the Missouri Leader Standards. In accordance with these standards, detailed below, the leader must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to ensure the success of all students.

These standards emphasize the principal as a competent manager and instructional leader who continuously acquires new knowledge and skills and is constantly seeking to improve his or her leadership practice to provide for high academic achievement for all students. In accordance with these standards, the principal demonstrates the knowledge and ability to ensure the success of all students by:

Evaluation Records

The summative evaluation and any written responses by the principal will be maintained in the principal's personnel file in accordance with the state retention manuals applicable to schools. The district will not share the evaluation with any state or federal agency unless it is required by law to do so.


Evaluation Process

The superintendent will create a procedure for implementing the principal evaluation process.


Adopted:             July 16, 2014


Revised:              Sept. 16, 2015


Cross Refs:      GBL, Personnel Records


Legal Refs:       1  1  161.855, 168.201, .410, RSMo., 5 C.S.R. 20 - 400.375


New Franklin R-I School District, New Franklin, Missouri