Memorials on Facilities and Grounds
The New Franklin R-I School District Board of Education recognizes that the loss of a member of the school community is deeply felt, and that on occasion it may be desirable toremember a deceased individual by establishing a memorial. District facilities are designed to support learning, andthe Board will not permit changes to facilities that interfere with that purposeor detract fromthe district's educational mission. The following guidelines apply to requests for memorials in school facilities or on district grounds.
Approval of Memorials
All memorials must be approved by the superintendent and building-level administration before being placed within a school building or on school grounds. To avoid unnecessaryexpense and possible disappointment, the district recommends that individuals refrain from purchasing any type of memorial until it is approved by the administration.
The administration will determine the location of all memorials on school grounds or in school facilities. While requests will be considered when possible, the administration mustconsider such issues as design parameters, whether the memorial blends with the school campus, ongoing and future maintenance, and the effect a memorial may have on students andstaff.
Memorial Options
Planting (trees, shrubs, perennials, etc.) on school grounds - The administration must approve the type and placement of any planting before it is placed. Such planting may beaccompanied by a movable flat ground marker. The engraving on the marker must be limited to the memorialized individual's name, dates of birth and death, and the words, "donated inmemory of ' or "in memory of." The marker will be moved when necessary and may be permanently removed after ten (10) years and offered to the nearest relative.
Benches, tables and other outdoor furnishings; sidewalks, stepping stones, statuary, etc. - The Board will accept memorials of this type only to the extent that there is a suitable location and thestyle is complementary to the buildings and grounds. Each item may contain a plaque engraved with the memorialized individual's name,dates of birth and death, and the words, "donated inmemory of ' or "in memory of."
Other types of memorials are addressed in the district's policy on acceptance of gifts. All items received as memorials become the property of the New Franklin R-1School District, and thedistrict cannot guarantee that memorials that become damaged or worn will be replaced at district expense.
Adopted: February 20, 2008 Revised:
Cross Refs:
ECB, Building and Grounds Maintenance
KH, Public Gifts to the Schools
Legal Refs: ' 162.790, RSMo.
New Franklin R-I School District, New Franklin, Missouri