Lab 5: Wireframing, Design Feedback


    • Read all parts of Homework #3 to prepare for the homework requirements inspection

    • Create an account at and start poking around with the features. Get familiar enough that you can start using it in lab.

  • Git tutorial from lecture, first 8 parts, screenshot uploaded to Moodle.


    • To get to know your new team

    • To prepare for completing HW3

    • To get started drawing up wire frames

    • (optional) Help Brittany Johnson with her research


Teaming (5 minutes)

Get in your groups for HW3, and join another group. We're going to play "two truths and a lie" as a teaming exercise. In this exercise, everyone comes up with statements about themselves, where two are true and one is a lie. The group votes using their fingers (hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers to identify the false statement). For example, Dr. Stolee might say:

    1. I won 2nd prize at a student chili cookoff

    2. My first experience with programming was as a freshmen in college

    3. I paid the bills in undergrad as a fitness instructor

Which is the lie? Submitting your response on this Google form counts as your lab participation today.

Wireframing (30 minutes)

Log in to your account at On your own, start creating wireframes for HW3.

After 20 minutes, meet with your group and identify the best wireframe in the group. Make edits as you see fit for the remaining time.

HW3 Requirements Inspection (45 minutes)

Get together with another group and inspect the HW3 requirements and assignment documents.

(15 minutes) Assign a scribe and a moderator. The moderator makes sure you keep on task and the scribe writes down any questions the group comes up with. Submit any questions in the HW3 Questions Form.

(15 minutes) Trade wireframes with the other group. Review the other group's wireframe for completeness with respect to the requirements.

(15 minutes) Share feedback with the other group on their wireframe.

Rest of the time...

Proceed with Homework 3 Part 1 with your group.


Brittany Johnson (, a PhD candidate here at NC State, is conducting research to improve developer tools, such as static analysis tools, by improving the notifications they use.

She is looking for research participants in a short study. To participate in her research, all that is required is the completion of the following 10-15 minute Java programming quiz:

You will also be given the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of two $50 gift certificates!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Brittany at (Brittany is also conducting user studies to improve how tools communicate -- if you're interested in participating in more studies or learning more, contact her.)