Lab 4: Bug Report / Test Critique


    • Read through Homework 2 Part 2 and mark down question and points that need clarification.

    • Bring 8 notecards or small pieces of paper to lab. These will be your poker cards. Write the following numbers on the cards, one number on each card: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40


    • To gain experience with evaluating the work of your peers and offering constructive criticism

    • To start working on HW2P2.


HW2P1 Recap (10 minutes)

A recap of HW2P1 where we'll discuss what went well and what didn't go well.

Bug Report / Test Critique (45 minutes)

Open GitHub to your team's repo on one of the lab machines. Switch stations with another team (preferably a team of the same size, but that's not always possible) and review their tests and their bug reports. Make notes about anything that find of interest or that you want to discuss. (15 minutes)

Meet with the pair and discuss what was found in each project. (15 minutes per team)

In your team's wiki, make a new page titled, "Lab 4: Suggestions for improvement". In this section, write a short bulleted list with ideas for improvement to your tests (at least 2-3 ideas).

Planning Poker (30 minutes)

Planning poker on HW2P2.

Homework 2 Part 2 (remaining time)

Use the rest of the time to work with your partner on HW2P2. Start with planning poker (refer to Lab 3 for a refresher) and ask the TA and other pairs for questions as you need to.

Note: every team needs to turn in their own work, but we can help each other understand challenges along the way.