(deprecated, from Fall 2016) Lab 10: Iteration Demo and Team Meeting


    • Update RAF

    • Implement iTrust based upon the RAF you submitted last week.

    • If you chose to implement a partial use case, that is fine. But you still need to do all the items listed below in #1-9 for the partial use case so you can get feedback on the partial implementation.

In lab:

Team Meeting:

  • Stand up and hold you Scrum meeting.

  • Stand up and do a retrospective on Iteration 1.

  • When you sit down, the customer (TA) can begin to meet with your team. Make progress on Iteration #2 when not meeting with the TA.

Meeting with customer:

You will have a 15 minute demo/discussion with your customer (i.e. your TA). Each iteration counts for 10 points of your project grade. We expect that there will be at least one merge from development to master and that master will build with a green ball. There will be deductions from your team's weekly iteration grade if there is no push to master or if master has a yellow ball.

With your whole team and your customer:

    1. RAF: Look at last week's RAF, look at this week's RAF. Compare the two and discuss what has happened over the last week from a process and progress standpoint.

  1. Functional Requirements Deliverables: Demonstrate, at least, the complete functionality for a use case with each iteration.Demo the new functionality, by use case, you committed to last week. For a use case to be marked as completed, you must show the following:

      1. A sequence diagram for one scenario through the use case (on the wiki page for that use case);

      2. A class diagram for the use case (on the wiki page for that use case);

      3. At least 3 new black box test cases;

    1. Passing Cucumber tests for the acceptance tests and 3 new black box tests on Jenkins;

      1. Passing JUnit tests with 80% coverage of non-GUI code on Jenkins;

      2. No true positive Severe or Medium FindBugs errors;

      3. Passing system and acceptance tests when demoing the functionality to the TA;

      4. Push of implemented functionality to master branch; and

      5. Green ball on master branch in Jenkins.

    2. Obtain your project manager's feedback on what you’ve done so far. Incorporate that feedback into your plans for the next iteration. Expect to lose points if you didn’t accomplish much in an iteration according to your original plan -- explain variations to your original plan. Your new functionality will not count towards your progress if you don't have all items #1-9 above.


  • While not meeting with the customer, the team should make progress for Iteration #2.