Homework 3 Part 2: Due February. 21, 2017 at 10:00PM
Update: Due Feb. 21 @ 10pm
HW3 Part 2
This is a group assignment. Groups are the same as part 1.
No late submissions will be accepted.
In this homework, you’ll be implementing the features you designed in Part 1.
You’ll need to do the following:
Close GitHub issues and include screen shots of implemented features
Document any required changes to your design documents
Update Cucumber tests, as needed, so they pass
Implement all subflows of the required use case
Unlike the other homework assignments, we will be enforcing a pull-request and review model for this assignment. All pull requests must be reviewed by a member of the team before integrated into the master branch.
Submission will be handled via GitHub. Your final submission for the homework is your last push to the master branch of GitHub before the submission deadline. Jenkins will pull and build the project to automate part of the grading.
For this assignment, we are also evaluating your development process, which you will record for us through commits to GitHub. Informative commit messages with justifications for file changes are worth 10 points. Code reviews are worth another 10 points.
Note: If you begin working on part 2 prior to the deadline for part 1, please use a branch that is not master until after the part 1 deadline. Once the deadline for part 1 has passed, you may merge your part 2 branch with master. This is to make grading easier on the TAs, since they pull from master to do the grading. Thanks in advance.
This assignment is to be completed as a team. We expect member of the team to participate in submitting and reviewing pull requests. A team member without a GitHub pull request or who does not do a code review will have an automatic deduction of 15 points. The exceptions to this are 1) a documented technology problem that prevents pushing to GitHub on personal AND lab machines (notification to the teaching staff must occur at least 24 hours BEFORE the deadline); and 2) documented pair programming on the assignment. Pair programming documentation should occur in the commit messages. The navigator may perform the code review for a pull request initiated by the driver during pair programming.
You'll also do a CATME peer evaluation for HW2P2.
CATME peer evaluation