11. Impacts of tourism


A quick glance of examples for the various impacts of tourism. Write a suitable heading (impact) for each of the examples listed in the different categories.

Play the game at http://www.classtools.net/widgets/dustbin_2/WXEaX.htm

Look at the cartoons below. Can you infer the positive and negative impacts shown?

Positive - ecotourism - conservation of nature parks

Negative - Increase carbon footprint

Positive - income for locals selling the souvenirs, preservation of heritage (traditional craft)

Negative - deforestation, reduced biodiversity as some animals lose their shelter and food and become extinct, loss of resources for future generation,


Five tourists accused of damaging Peru's iconic Machu Picchu site were deported to Bolivia on Jan 16 2020 and barred from returning to the country for 15 years


Vandalism by tourists in Thailand https://nextshark.com/tourist-vandalizing-wall-thailand/



Increased carbon footprint

The graph below shows how much CO2 one emit on a Singapore-KL journey on various transport modes: