01. Indicators of development and food consumption

Define the following economic and social indicators and explain how the indicators can be used to show the level of development of a country.

·         Refers to total value of all goods and services produced by a country in a given year divided by the total population.

·         The higher the GDP per capita, the more developed a country.

·         Countries with high GDP per capita indicate higher income and high purchasing power which can enable them to enjoy higher standard of living and quality of life

·         More employment opportunities will result in more jobs for the local population.

·         When people are employed, they will have an income and their standard of living will improve

·         Usually measured in terms of the employment/unemployment rate.

·         There is higher employment opportunity in the developed countries.

·         Refers to the percentage of those aged 15 and above who can read and write.

·         Countries with high literary rate have a more educated population who can drive the country’s economy and the population is generally more aware of health and wellness trends.

·         The higher the adult literacy rate, the more developed a country is.

·         Refers to the average number of years a person is expected to live based on current technology.

·         A country that is more developed has a higher level and higher quality of healthcare, water, sanitation, food supply and living condition.

·         The more developed countries generally have higher life expectancies.

Look at how the HDI (Human Development Index) varies across the countries on the map available on



Describe how the HDI shows the level of development of the country.


What are the indicators of food consumption?

Food consumption per capita (kg/capita/yr) is the average amount of food a person consumes per year.


Daily calorie intake (kilocalories) is the energy obtained from food consumed per person each day.


Starchy staples as % of all calories