03. Exploring places using Google Earth

Location of tourist destinations on world map

With the help of Google Earth, place mark the tourist destinations shown in Photos A to I as well as the top tourist destinations of the photos in lesson 1.

  • Photograph A: Niagara Falls (From the Canadian side)

  • Photograph B: Grand Canyon National Park in USA

  • Photograph C and D: MICE and Medical Hub in Singapore

  • Photograph E: Disneyland in Tokyo

  • Photograph F: Macchu Picchu, Peru

  • Photograph G: Winter Sonata filming site - Nami Island in South Korea

  • Photograph H: Mecca in Saudi Arabia

  • Photograph I: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Cambodia.

Click on the kmz file below or this link https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/sec-4-geography/global-tourism/gt-kq1-lesson-3/tourism.kmz?attredirects=0&d=1

Top 10 tourist destinations in lesson 1 -

  1. France

  2. USA

  3. Spain

  4. China

  5. Italy

  6. Turkey

  7. Germany

  8. United Kingdom

  9. Russia

  10. Thailand

Use the captions from the photographs to develop a legend for the map e.g., ecotourism, honeypot tourism, pilgrimage tourism, film-induced tourism etc.

Classify the photographs and identify the classifications using placemark icons.

You can also refer to the 7 wonders of the world (natural and ancient) at http://7ww.org/.

Look at the attached Google earth file - compare the original 7 wonders with the new 7 wonders of the world list by vote in 2007. You need to have Google Earth installed before you can open the kmz files.

At the end of the lesson, you would have learnt how to use Google Earth to understand the spatial distribution of tourist destinations. By examining the photos you would have seen the connection between how various physical and human environments at different places have been developed as tourist destinations. In addition, you would be able to explain how tourist destinations differ using the legend as a way of classification.