04. Inadequate Food Consumption

Watch the video below entitled ‘Chicken Ala Carte’

      i.        What is the issue? What are the related issues?

     ii.        What do you think is the purpose of this video? What evidence is shown in the video to support the issue?

    iii.        What are the possible consequences of the issues found in the video? (i.e., social and economic consequences)

   iv.        Whose points of view is represented? 

The following impacts of food consumption that can be inferred from the video:

·         Food wastage

·         Malnutrition

·         Starvation

·         Scavenging

·         Economic (lowered productivity and diversion of financial resources to health care) 

 Another video showing the social impact of inadequate food consumption in Manila, Philippines. Pagpag recycled meat:


For those who wants to help raise food, play this game http://freerice.com/#/english-vocabulary/1471  For every correct answer you choose, 10 grains of rice are raised to help end world hunger through the World Food Program

Taken in Sudan, 1993, this was a haunting image of how people suffered in famine. The smell of death has lured the vulture to the girl.  

A picture tells a thousand words. 

Look at the maps below on where the children and people are suffering from malnutrition.

Malnutrition contributes to nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 and is widespread in Asia and Africa

Percentage of children under 5 who are malnourished, 2010–2016

Source: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition dataset, September 2016 update

Do you think such situation still exist in the world now? Look at the hunger map below.