13. Food shortage

Live update Hunger map https://hungermap.wfp.org/

The hunger map 2015 below - Describe the distribution of countries suffering from food shortage. Click on it for a bigger image.


Refer to the cartoon below:

What can youobserve on the cartoon and what can you infer from it?
Ground is cracking - lack of moisture in the soil - lack of water from rain - drought - unable to grow crops - lack of food  supply
Skeleton of an animal - lack of water cause the death of animals 

Man with a fork - farmer - looking sad as he could not grow any crops and animals could not survive in the drought - loss of income and supply of food for him and family

Food being dropped down from the plane - food aid to relief food shortage

“Food aid does more harm than good in solving the problem of food shortage. Discuss.”

Pointer: Food aid is a humanitarian response to inadequate food supply and undernourishment in LDCs but it can lead to long-term debts and reliance in its people for food to be provided.

What if food prices rose sky high and people are unable to afford food? 

refer to this interactive map on food riots:


Watch the following video from CBS on food riots all over the world:

Uploaded on Mar 27, 2011

Food Shortages around the world are creating panic and riots are escalating.