Student Evaluations

Teacher statement regarding student evaluations

I am generally pleased with my course evaluations. I appreciate the feedback and accept criticism as an opportunity to improve my teaching performance. My overall ratings are above average and the comments are generally positive. To be honest, I'm amazed that the comments have been so consistently positive. Rather than "leaving a good thing untouched", I have taken risks with the classes each semester, attempting to make them more relevant and pragmatic based on feedback. I do take their feedback very seriously, and will continue to grow with my students.

As the university environment changes, I’m doing my best to adapt to new opportunities and use new technologies. I have accepted the challenge to continue fostering a personal, caring teaching environment while allowing room for online and distance education options when appropriate. It is a source of personal pride when students comment on my interactions with them (e.g. "He actually knew my name") and when a proposed assignment works out well (e.g. "This professor should be applauded for his creativity in formulating assignments and projects that are really engaging and provide enjoyable avenues for students to learn). I will continue to experiment with creative delivery methods, especially involving community-based projects and research to make the most of in-class time with my students.

Not all evaluations are 100% positive, and criticism may be the most truthful indicator of areas for improvement. Students sometimes note a lack of clarity in assignments, as I may develop the criteria in motion, while working with community partners. While I want to implement meaningful, real-world assignments, I do need to communicate clear expectations and provide students with structure early in the semester.

I think these evaluations demonstrate that I can successfully deliver a variety of material using numerous methods. I take very seriously my mission to provide a comprehensive education to prepare students for work and live life to the full. This, I believe, is reflected in my evaluations, as well. Please find my evaluations for all classes since Fall 2012 below, as well as a summary of student comments from the evaluation forms.