
Cultivating my expertise and having influence in my field are important aspects to my position at UTC. The publications below demonstrate my ability to design, implement, and publish research in top journals in my field. Since 2012, I have continued to publish in peer-reviewed journals, but have also chosen to focus my efforts toward regional influence. This was the premise behind the development of the UTC Tourism Center and continual student-based research projects. These regional reports, while not peer reviewed, are conducted with the same rigor as published research. The data are suitable for publication, and may be published at a later date. However, their influence in the local region should be considered in the discussion of research impact (along with "h" and "i" scores). In addition, I value interdisciplinary collaboration and student mentoring. I have conducted research with members of every program in HHP (Except for AT), and have published and presented research that included students as co-researchers (* see asterisks below for student researchers and underlined names for non-SORT collaborators). While this necessarily impedes the speed of progress, it is rewarding for me and the students, and it fulfills my philosophy of teaching through experience. Finally, I provide leadership in research through peer reviews of various journal submissions and conference research sessions (see Other Service).

Google Citations page:

Peer-Reviewed Articles

In Review:

(In Review) Bailey, A., Moore, J*., & Caskey, J. Mentally restorative areas for stressed students: Impacts of nature on psychophysiological state. Learning Environments Research.

Currently Published:

Lee, S., Bailey, A., Hungenberg, E., Demastus, C*., & Kang, H.K. (2021) Comparison of Psychological States of Runners within Urban and Rural Environments. Journal of Social Sciences, 1-16.

Bailey, A.W., Chew*, A., Miller*, C., Holmberg*, H., and Peyer, K. (2021) Cognitive and neurological effects of a biking program in public schools. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 41(4).

Bailey, A. W., Anderson, M.*, & Cox, G.* (2021). The Cortex in Context: Investigating the Influence of Activity and Space on Psychological Well-Being. Leisure Sciences, 1–18.

Hungenberg, E., Slavich, M., & Bailey, A. (2020). Examining Minor League Baseball Spectator Nostalgia: A Neuroscience Perspective. Sport Management Review.

Bailey, A. & Hungenberg, E. (2019). The Psychogeography of a marathon runner: An exploratory EEG approach. Journal of Sport Behavior, 42(4), 415-440.

Bailey, A. W., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Engineering physical activity into daily life through public space. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 23(5), 45.

Hungenberg, E., Davies, M., & Bailey, A. (2019). Understanding the Adventure Sportscape’s Impact on Consumers’ Destination Image and Event Conative Loyalty. Event Management, 23(3), 329–346.

Bailey, A., Hughes, A., Bullock, K*., & Hill, G*. (2019). A Climber’s Mentality: EEG Analysis of Climbers in Action. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 11(1).

Bailey, A. W., Allen, G.*, Herndon, J.*, & Demastus, C.* (2018). Cognitive benefits of walking in natural versus built environments. World Leisure Journal, 0(0), 1–13.

Bailey, A. W., Cox, G.*, & Liguori, G. (2018). Exercising In The Outdoors: A Win-Win For Communities and Individuals. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 22(2), 4–7.

Bailey, A. W., & Hungenberg, E. (2018). Managing the rock-climbing economy: a case from Chattanooga. Annals of Leisure Research, 0(0), 1–19.

Bailey, A., Johann, J.*, & Kang, H.K. (2017). Cognitive and Physiological Impacts of Adventure Activities: Beyond Self-Report. Journal of Experiential Education.

Bailey, A., Lewis, T.G., & Kang, H.K. (2017). Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Recreation: Unique but allied industries. Journal of Outdoor Education, Recreation, & Leadership 9(2), 244-247.

Bailey, A., Kang, H.K., & Schmidt, C. (2016). Age graded differences in the path to happiness. Journal of Leisure Research.

Bailey, A. & Kang, H.K. (2014). Modeling the impact of wilderness orientation programs on first-year academic success and life purpose. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.

Bailey, A., Kuiper, K*, & Kang, H.K. (2012). An analysis of Personal, Environmental, and Social determinants of camp staff burnout. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Education and Leadership 4(3), 157-171.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K (2012). Volunteer Tourism: Powerful programs or predisposed participants? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 19, e12.

Bailey, A. & Fernando, I.* (2012). Routine and Project-Based Leisure, Happiness, and Meaning in Life. Journal of Leisure Research, 44(2), 139-154.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K. (2010). Predictors of Interpersonal Growth in Volunteer Tourism: A Latent Curve Approach. Leisure Sciences, 30(4), 352-368.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K. (2009). Engaging Youth Through Volunteer Travel: In Service of the Common Good. Youth Development Journal, 4 (4), 60-72.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K. (2008). Psycho-Social Benefits of a Service-Learning Experience. Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism, & Recreation Research, 1(1), 9-16.

In Progress:

(In Progress) Bailey, A. Impacts of environment on cognitive restoration: Does physical activity matter?

(In Progress) Bailey, A., & Joo, D. Psychogeography of urban and green space planning. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration.

Unpublished Reports & Presentations