
As with publications, these presentations represent a line of research that demonstrates a growing level of expertise, community and inter-departmental collaboration, as well as regional and international influence. Many of these have been published as abstracts, and I regularly include students as collaborators in research projects (* Student researchers).

Refereed & Invited presentations

Bailey, A. & Holmes, L.* (2022). A beginner climber’s mentality: Confirmation of attentional shifting in novice athletes. Presentation for the Coalition for Outdoor Education, Black Mountain, NC; February, 2021.

Bailey, A., Heath, G., and Mix, C. (2021). Parks, pandemics, and public health: A look at visitation and impacts in the time of COVID. Presentation for the Wilderness Risk Management Conference (virtual); November, 2021.

Bailey, A., Greganti, C.*, and Hein, K*. (2021). A randomized experiment assessing learning and physical activity in traditional and forest school contexts. Presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education Conference (virtual); November, 2021.

Bailey, A. & Smith, A.* (2021). Of parks and pandemics: Visitation disparities across county lines. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference (virtual); March, 2021. (This presentation won a 3rd place student presentation award- I'm very proud of Alayna).

Bailey, A. (2021). New Perspectives on an Ancient Concept: Neurological indicators of Flow in Outdoor Recreation, Presentation for The Academy of Leisure Sciences conference, virtual conference, February, 2021.

Bailey, A., Barahona, R.*, and Moore, J.* (2019). Flora, fauna, and functional neurology: The impact of natural encounters on the human mind. International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education, Spokane, WA: October, 2019.

Bailey, A. & Zwart, R.T. (2019) Enhancing physical & mental health, quality of life, and educational experiences with biometric technologies. Workshop presented for the AEE/AORE joint international conference, Spokane, WA; November, 2019.

[INVITED] Bailey, A. & Kang H.K. (2019) Tracking and optimizing recreational experiences with biofeedback. Conference of Righteous Sports Culture and Olympics in Korea, Seoul National University, South Korea; August 2019.

[INVITED] Bailey, A. (2019). Improving attention in public schools through Riding For Focus. The Specialized Foundation annual research conference, Stanford University; July 2019.

[INVITED] Bailey, A. (2018). Economic Impact of Rock Climbers in the Chattanooga Region. Invited presentation for the annual meeting of the Access Fund, Breaks Interstate Park, VA; March 2018..

Bailey, A. (2019). Mobile labs in outdoor recreation: The intersection of mind, body, and space. Presentation for The Academy of Leisure Sciences, Greenville, SC; February, 2019. (runner-up award for best overall presentation).

Bailey, A. (2018). EEG analysis of competitive rock-climbers. Presentation for the Wilderness Risk Management Conference, Portland, OR; October 2018.

Cox, G.* & Bailey, A. (2018). Comparative analysis of EEG-based mental states in urban environments and green spaces. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference (SERR), Athens, GA; March 2018.

Heath, G. W., Hamilton, K., Peyer, K. & Bailey, A. (2018). If you build it will they come? Physical activity and the built environment. Presentation for the Southeast Association for Sports Medicine Conference (SEACSM), Chattanooga, TN; February, 2018.

Bailey, A. (2017). Brainwave analysis of experiential learning in action. Presentation for the International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education: Montreal, Quebec; November, 2017.

Bailey, A. (2017). Brainwave analysis in outdoor recreation: Toward a validation of the learning process. Presentation for the Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education Conference: Roanoke, VA; November, 2017.

Somers, M.*, Locke, J.B.*, and Bailey, A. (2017). Analysis of Brainwave data in Outdoor Education. Presentation for the Southeast Regional conference for the Association for Experiential Education: Black Mountain, NC; April, 2017.

Bailey, A. & Hungenberg, E. (2016). Inside the mind of a marathon runner: EEG and biometric tracking of athletes in action. Presentation for the TN Association for Health, Phys. Ed., Recreation, & Dance: Nashville, TN; November 2016.

Bailey, A. & Hungenberg, E. (2016). Learning Transfer of Recreational Rock Climbers: An Exploratory Model. International Association for Experiential Education Conference: Minneapolis, MN; October 2016.

Hungenberg, E. & Davies, M., Bailey, A. (2016). Understanding the Adventure Sportscape’s Impact on Consumers’ Destination Image and Behavioral Intentions. Sport Marketing Association Conference: Indianapolis, IN, November, 2016

Eastlick, M.*, Hardin, J.*, & Bailey, A. (2016). Adventure Tourism: Understanding Climbing Advocates in Chattanooga, TN. Presentation for NCUR: Asheville, NC; April 2016. (Also presented at UTC Research Dialogues).

McDowell, A.*, Mihalczo, A.*, and Bailey, A. (2016). Economic impact of climbing in Chattanooga: A look at the Triple Crown Bouldering competition. Presentation for National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR): Asheville, NC; April 2016. (Also presented at UTC Research Dialogues).

Bailey, A., Lewis, T.G., & Kang, H.K. (2015). Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Recreation: Unique but allied industries. Presentation for the Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education conference, Atlanta, GA; November, 2015.

Bailey, A., Kang, H.K., & (2015). What visitors of Adventure Tourism want. Presentation for National Recreation and Parks Association: Las Vegas, NV, 2015.

Obrien, E., Rutledge, V., Brower, J., McDonald, S., Ezell, G., Harvey, J., Crawford, B., Rausch, D., & Bailey, A. (2014). Facilitating Students’ Career Development Through Community Engagement Placements and Work Embedded Experiences. Conference for the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities; Syracuse, NY, 2014.

Liguori, G., Heath, G. & Bailey, A. (2014). The University-Community connection to healthy living. CUMU conference; Syracuse, NY, 2014.

Bailey, A. (2014). Physiological impacts of adventure activities: Is it all in our minds? Wilderness Risk Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2014.

Bailey, A. W. & Kang, H. K. (2014). Self-related motivational aspects of hindsight bias among soccer athletes. Presentation for the 19th Annual Congress East Asia Sport Exercise Science Society 2014, Busan, Korean.

Bailey, A.(2014). Measuring the Impact of Daily Routine and Psychological Resources on Life Satisfaction and Happiness. International Conference for the Association of Experiential Education, Chattanooga, TN; November, 2014.

Bailey, A., Ruffrage, N., & Lewis, T.G. (2014). You have a degree in what? Justifying academic and professional preparation in experiential education. International Conference for the Association of Experiential Education, Chattanooga, TN; November, 2014.

Bailey, A. & Kang, H.K. (2013). Wilderness orientation programs: Connecting the dots of process and outcomes. International Conference for the Association of Experiential Education, Denver, CO; October, 2013.

Kang, H.K. & Bailey, A. (2013). Empirical Linkage between Psychological Needs in Self-Determination Theory and Perceived Quality of Life through Enduring Involvement. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Athens, GA; March, 2013.

Bailey, A. & Kang, H.K. (2013). Leisure and Life Satisfaction: Mundane Happiness. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Athens, GA; March, 2013.

Bailey, A., Kang, H.K., Fernando, I.* (2012). Organizational Culture & Identity as predictors of Group Outcomes. International Conference for the Association of Experiential Education, Madison, WI; November, 2012.

Bailey, A., Kang, H.K. (2012). Predictors and Correlates of Camp Staff Burnout. Presentation for the Christian Society of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Marion, IN; June 2012.

Bailey, A. (2012). A Theology of Risk. Presentation for the Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Marion, IN; June 2012.

Kang, H.K., Bailey, A. (2012). Leisure Attitude Influence on Enduring Involvement. Presentation for the Southeast Recreation Research conference, Auburn, AL; March 2012.

Bailey, A., Kuiper, K.*, & Kang, H. K. (2011). Personal, Environmental, and Social predictors of camp staff burnout. Presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education conference, Jacksonville, FL; November, 2011.

Lewis, T.G., & Bailey, A. (2011). What the ‘F’: Linking Failure and Feedback to Facilitate Learning. Presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education conference, Jacksonville, FL; November, 2011

Kang, H.K., & Bailey, A. (2011). Leisure Attitude and Enduring Involvement: Difference by Time Perspectives. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Boone, NC; March, 2011.

Bailey, A., & Kang, H.K. (2011). Intrinsic Motivation, Challenge and Social Support: Antecedents of Positive Program Impact. Presentation for the Southeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Boone, NC; March, 2011

Bailey, A. & Fernando, I.* (2010). Decoding the Voluntourism Process: A case study of the Pay It Forward Tour. Presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education Convention, Las Vegas; November, 2010

Bailey, A., & Lewis, T.G. (2010). Project-based Service-learning: A relevant education. Workshop presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education Convention, Las Vegas; November, 2010.

Bailey, A & Fernando, I. (2010). Routine and Project-based Leisure, Happiness and Meaning in Life. Presentation for the National Recreation and Parks Association, Minneapolis, MN; October, 2010.

Bailey, A. (2010). Nature or Nurture: Determinants of Wisdom and Well-Being. Presentation for the Christian Society of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, June, 2010.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K.C. (2009). A Way to Wisdom Through Service & Relationships. Presentation for the International Association of Experiential Education, Little Rock, Arkansas; November, 2009.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K.C. (2009). Cultivating Wisdom Through a Service-Learning Experience. Poster presentation for the Doctoral Dissertation Research Symposium, University of Minnesota; April, 2009.

Bailey, A. (2009). Volunteer Tourists: Cut from a Different Cloth? Poster presentation for the Southeast Recreational Research Conference; March, 2009.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K.C. (2008). The Wisdom of Service-Learning. Poster presentation for the National Recreation and Parks Association, Baltimore Maryland; October, 2008.

Bailey, A. (2008). Beyond Knowledge: Wisdom and Human Development. Workshop presentation for the Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Seattle, Washington; June 2008.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K.C. (2008). The Wisdom of Service and Civic Engagement. Poster presentation for the College of Education and Human Development Research Day, University of Minnesota; February 2008.

Bailey, A. & Russell, K.C. (2008). Wisdom & Social Capital: Benefits of Service-learning. Poster presentation for the Graduate and Professional Student Association Conference, University of Minnesota; February, 2008

Bailey, A. (2007). Cultivating Wisdom Through Experiential Education. Workshop presentation for the International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education, Little Rock, Arkansas; November, 2007.

Non-Refereed Presentations (some invited, many involving students)

Moore, J., Swart, S., Drinkard, M., Steele, E, Smith, C., & Bailey, A. (2019). Where to relax and study on UTC campus. Presentation for UTC Research Dialogues.

Barahona, R., Stanford, B., Ejaz, F., Crumb, Q., & Bailey, A. (2019). Disparities in outdoor recreation in Chattanooga based on race and ethnicity. Presentation for UTC Research Dialogues.

Haslett, O., Neglia, S., Faxon, A., Baker, K., & Bailey, A. (2019). The impact of a routine “shot of meditation” on stress and well-being. Presentation for UTC Research Dialogues.

Chew, A., Miller, C., Holmberg, H., & Bailey, A. (2019). The effects of aerobic exercise on directed attention and focus. Presentation for UTC Research Dialogues.

Somers, M., Locke, J.B., and Bailey, A. (2017). Brainwave analysis in outdoor recreation. UTC Research Dialogues.

Allen, G., Demastus, C., Herndon, J., and Bailey, A. (2017). Biometric and cognitive assessments of the impact of exercise in natural versus built environments. UTC Research Dialogues.

Bailey, A. (2014). Challenge Course Construction & Training. Presentation for the UTC Instructional Excellence Retreat, April, 2014.

Heath, G. & Bailey, A. (2014). — Oral Presentation for UTC Research Day (2014).

Bailey, A. (2014). Social, Cultural, and Environmental impacts of Adventure Tourism. Poster presentation for UTC Research Day, March 2014.

Bailey, A. (2014). Adventure Tourism: Impact of tourists at RiverRocks outdoor festival. Poster presentation for UTC Research Day, March, 2014.

Welch, A. & Bailey, A. (2013). Parks & Green Space Planning: Hamilton County Action Research. Poster Presentation for UTC Research Day, April, 2013.

Bailey, A. (2012)The Calvin College Happiness Initiative: Report prepared for the Calvin College Alumni Association. Grand Rapids, MI; May, 2012

Bailey, A. (2010) Recreation in the community. Invited presentation for the Calvin College Alumni Association. Grand Rapids Kroc Center, Grand Rapids, MI; September, 2010

Bailey, A. (2009). Why Service Learning? Invited presentation for Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI; December, 2009.