Other Service - Process and Professional Development

Service to the Profession and the Community:

Professional Reviews:

Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Sustainability

Peer Reviewer, World Leisure Journal

Peer Reviewer, Frontiers in Psychological Research

Peer Reviewer, Annals of Leisure Research

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Happiness Studies

Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Tourism Research

Peer Reviewer, Leisure Sciences

Peer Reviewer, Current Issues in Tourism

Peer Reviewer, Democracy and Education

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Experiential Education

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Positive Psychology

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Leisure Research

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Youth Studies

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Tourism Management.

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Research

Peer Reviewer, Coalition for Education in the Outdoors

Research Presentation review committees:

International Association for Experiential Education conference, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021.

Christian Society of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies conference, April 2013 & April 2014

Southeastern Environment & Recreation Research Conference, Athens, GA; Spring 2013, 2015

Leisure Research Symposium presentations for the National Recreation & Parks Association, Houston, TX; Spring 2013

Community-Based Projects (see also- Unpublished reports and presentations under "Publications"):

Hamilton County Department of Education Advisory Committee (2021- present). This committee provides guidance to HCDE administration and staff on pedagogy, processes, and opportunities to enhance public education in the region. I specifically provide expertise on experiential learning, outdoor education, and cognitive performance (i.e, EEG and testing research).

Chattanooga Marathon Brainwave Project (2015-2019):

    • Led a project in conjunction with EPB, the City of Chattanooga, Chattanooga Sports Committee, and Carbon Five to highlight innovation in the Gig City during the marathon. Project included: EEG and Biometric monitoring of marathon runners, app development, and high-profile display of real-time metrics.

    • This project was reproduced in 2016 with $10,000 funding from the City and a matching CRISP award ($10,000) from UTC.

    • Project funded for 2017-2018 along with a partnership with BlueCross/BlueShield of TN ($10,000). http://www.wdef.com/2016/02/23/mobile-eg-device-used-upcoming-marathon/ Times Free Press story

Board of Directors: AdventureServe Ministries (2018- present)

    • Research, staff training and development, financial accountability, and major program revisions through the COVID era.

Mayoral Sports and Outdoors Committee: Chattanooga Forward initiative (2014).

    • I was responsible for collecting data & writing a report based on committee feedback to be submitted to Mayor Berke.

Consultant and Master Plan Committee member, Hamilton County Parks & Recreation (2012- present)

    • research, planning and forecasting, Chattanooga, TN. (Letter of Support attached below)

Expert Speaker Event: Will Gadd (2015):

    • In conjunction with the American Alpine Club and Rock Creek Outfitters, we arranged for travel, multiple presentations, and advanced trainings from one of the world's top ice-climbing personalities.

Consultant, Engel Foundation (2012-2013):

    • feasibility study regarding the restoration of Engel stadium and its potential as a heritage tourism destination; Chattanooga, TN; 2012-2013

West Michigan Recreation & Parks Association Conference (2012):

    • Program development, promotion, and implementation, Grand Rapids, MI.

Consultant, Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF; 2007-2012):

    • research, statistical analysis, program evaluation, leadership training (2006-Present). This collaborative research supported the acquisition of nearly $200,000 in successful grant applications (0% formal recognition).

Consultant, Grand Rapids Kroc Center (2009-2012):

    • program development, program evaluation, staffing and facilities management.

Consultant and Facilitator, Wilderness Inquiry (2007-2009):

    • grant development, trip leader, program development, staff recruitment.

Research Assistant, University of MN Tourism Center (2008-2009);

    • Market analysis and reporting, descriptive statistics and secondary research.

Consultant, Twin Cities Rise (2008-2009):

    • Market research and program evaluation.

Program development and evaluation, Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative (2006-2009):

    • family & community programming, promotions and evaluation.

Physical Activity Program TA Development, University of MN (2006-2009):

    • risk management, standard operating procedures and instructor training.

Undergraduate/ Graduate Student Advising and curriculum development University of MN (2007-2009)

University, College, and Departmental Service:

Program & Curriculum Development:

  • Led significant SORT Mgmt program & curriculum revisions, taking effect Fall, 2021. This included drafting new courses, consolidating existing courses, and updating of course outcomes and the curriculum map.

  • Assisted with the THEC program review for SORT and ES (2020-21). I personally drafted several sections of the document, solicited data and information from other sources, recruited students, alumni, & faculty for meetings, and attended site visit meetings.

  • Led the process for major curriculum revisions of the SLSA program (now SORT), taking effect in the 2017-18 academic year. This included the drafting of new courses, revisioning of the program to incorporate tourism as a key component, and projecting faculty needs to accomplish new curriculum objectives.

Graduate & Honors College involvement:

  • Graduate student mentor: Cumberland Trails Conference trail expansion project. Graduate student: Kaitlyn Kincaid. (Funding acquired-see "Grants")

  • Graduate thesis committee second reader, Prescott College, AZ, 2013

  • Graduate student mentor & instructor, Prescott College, AZ, 2013 & 2014

  • Honors Thesis Committee: Jesse Moore (Pre-Med) 2020-2021

  • Honors Thesis Director: Ashli Chew (Chemistry) 2019-2020

  • Honors Thesis Committee: Kevin Gentner (Biology) 2017-2018

  • Honors Thesis Director: Christian Demastus (Exercise Science/ Pre-Med). 2017-2018

  • Innovation in Honors year-long course leadership: 2016-2017, 2018-2019

    • These courses were entirely new developments, requiring year-long projects and research in small groups. All groups in both cohorts presented research at Research Dialogues, and several conducted research that resulted in publications.

  • Brock Seminar development: Adventurous misfits and the search for meaning (projected delivery, Spring 2022).

Experiential Learning:

Experiential Learning Task Force (2015-current)

Undergraduate Research Committee (2014-1015)

Three SLSA courses accepted for recognition of Beyond the Classroom experiential credit (HHP 2020, HHP 3060, HHP 3070).