Summer 2012 Workshops

Facilitated Workshop Opportunities

Medford is offering multiple facilitated professional development opportunities. Click here to see a description of the Summer 2012 Opportunities.  If interested, please complete the "Facilitated Workshop" form on the left column below.

Team-Led Worktime

In addition to facilitated workshops, Medford is also offering team-led worktime.  If your grade level or subject level team would like to meet this summer to work together you may submit a summer team curriculum request. Your team goal needs to fall under one of the following district goals.

Goal 1:            Review and/or revise your essential outcomes and common assessments keeping in mind “less is more.”

Goal 2:            Target students who are not meeting essential outcomes by utilizing classroom interventions first and then by seeking out building interventions (RtI)

Goal 3:            Writing and vocabulary instruction will be an expectation by all teachers in all grades and subject levels to increase our students’ ability to communicate through writing.

Project ideas could include:

§                     Creating grade level common units, lessons, rubrics and/or assessments;

§                     Selecting common standards to be graded on each quarter/semester;

§                     Creating an action plan to carry out ideas learned from a book study;

§                     Analyzing current curriculum against the new Common Core standards.

Examples of Goals: 


Staff members may choose to attend one or more facilitated workshop and may choose to apply for one or more team-led project.  However, due to budget constraints, the district will pay each staff member no more than a total of 6 hours of worktime at the curriculum stipend rate of $19.21/hour for the entire summer.  If a staff member would like to attend more than 6 hours of professional development, they can do so without pay or they may use it toward their two days of Teacher Record days required in August.  Remember that the district cannot pay for your time if you are receiving credit (for example, you can elect to take the Cray Academy courses for credit, but then would not be paid a stipend). In order to receive a stipend, each staff member must complete a Curriculum Timesheet. If the work is done before July 1, the timesheet must be turned in prior to June 30. If it is after July 1, the timesheet must be turned in prior to the start of school.

Facilitated Workshops Sign-Up

Click here to see a description of the Summer 2012 Opportunities

Team-Led Projects Application Form