Miscellaneous Electives

+900 EACC (3 hours a.m.) 11-12 (3 credits per semester)

Check out the career center site https://myeacc.org/, for more information.

+956 Work Based Learning AM  11-12 (3 cr. Max per semester) Application Required 


Work Based Learning High School Course Titles and Descriptions 2022-2023 152 

Work-based learning (WBL) is a strategy to reinforce academic, technical, and social skills learned in the classroom through collaborative activities with employer partners. Work-based learning experiences allow students to apply classroom theories to practical problems, to explore career options, and pursue personal and professional goals. WBL includes activities that can occur in workplaces or school-based enterprises and involve an employer assigning a student meaningful job tasks to develop his or her skills, knowledge, and readiness for work. It supports entry or advancement in a career field and can serve as the culminating course or event in a student’s chosen career pathway. Through WBL, students have the opportunity to apply the concepts, skills, and dispositions learned in previous coursework in real world settings. This course code should be used to denote completion of the Graduation Pathways Employability Skills experience. 

• Recommended Grade: 9-12 

• Required Prerequisites: None 

• Recommended Prerequisites: Preparing for College & Careers 

• Credits: 0 credits, the experience may stretch over multiple semesters & should not be marked as passing until the designated person responsible for approving the work-based learning experience validates the WBL work product.

• Qualifies as the employability skills requirement for all diplomas. 

+957 Work Based Learning PM 11-12 (3 cr. Max per semester) Application Required 


Work Based Learning High School Course Titles and Descriptions 2022-2023 152 

Work-based learning (WBL) is a strategy to reinforce academic, technical, and social skills learned in the classroom through collaborative activities with employer partners. Work-based learning experiences allow students to apply classroom theories to practical problems, to explore career options, and pursue personal and professional goals. WBL includes activities that can occur in workplaces or school-based enterprises and involve an employer assigning a student meaningful job tasks to develop his or her skills, knowledge, and readiness for work. It supports entry or advancement in a career field and can serve as the culminating course or event in a student’s chosen career pathway. Through WBL, students have the opportunity to apply the concepts, skills, and dispositions learned in previous coursework in real world settings. This course code should be used to denote completion of the Graduation Pathways Employability Skills experience. 

• Recommended Grade: 9-12 

• Required Prerequisites: None 

• Recommended Prerequisites: Preparing for College & Careers 

• Credits: 0 credits, the experience may stretch over multiple semesters & should not be marked as passing until the designated person responsible for approving the work-based learning experience validates the WBL work product. 

• Qualifies as the employability skills requirement for all diplomas. 

 950 JAG 11 (2)


Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) 

Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. JAG's mission is to keep young people in school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enroll in a postsecondary institution that leads to a rewarding career. JAG students receive adult mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up counseling after graduation. The JAG program is funded through grants provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. 

• Recommended Grade: 11, 12 

• Required Prerequisites: none 

• Recommended Prerequisites: none 

• Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credits per semester, 4 credits maximum 

• Counts as an elective for all diplomas 

951 JAG 12 (2)


Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) 

Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. JAG's mission is to keep young people in school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enroll in a postsecondary institution that leads to a rewarding career. JAG students receive adult mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up counseling after graduation. The JAG program is funded through grants provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. 

• Recommended Grade: 11, 12 

• Required Prerequisites: none 

• Recommended Prerequisites: none 

• Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credits per semester, 4 credits maximum 

• Counts as an elective for all diplomas 

+642 Student Media (Yearbook) 9-12 (2) Application Required 

More Information coming.

+681 Radio and Television II 11-12 (2)  Class of 2024 only

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 682      Principles of Broadcasting 9-12 (2) Application Required

More Information coming.

+683 Audio and Video Production Essentials 10-12 (2) Application Required

More Information coming.

+727 Computer Science II 10-12 (2) QR Class of 2024 only

More Information coming.

+728 Computer Science III: Cybersecurity Capstone 11-12 (2) QR Class of 2024 only


Computer Science Capstone 

COMP SCI CAP Computer Science Capstone provides a working understanding of the fundamentals of procedural and object-oriented program development using structured, modular concepts and modern object-oriented programming languages. Reviews control structures, functions, data types, variables, arrays, and data file access methods. The course is a second level computer science course introducing object oriented computer programming, using a language such as Java or C++. Object-oriented concepts studied include classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, exception handling, recursion, abstract data types, streams and file I/O. Students will explore programming concepts such as software reuse, data abstraction and event-driven programming. 

• Recommended Grade(s): 12 

• Required Prerequisites: Principles of Computing; Topics in Computer Science; Computer Science 

• Recommended Prerequisites: none 

• Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum 

• Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas 

+730       Principles of Computing 9-12 (2)

More Information coming.

+731 Topics in Computer Science 10-12 (2)


Topics in Computer Science 

TOP COMP SCI Topics in Computer Science is designed for students to investigate emerging disciplines within the field of computer science. Students will use foundational knowledge from 7183 Principles of Computing to study the areas of data science, artificial intelligence, app/game development, and security. Students will utilize knowledge related to these areas and programming skills to develop solutions to authentic problems. 

• Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

 • Required Prerequisites: Principles of Computing 

• Recommended Prerequisites: none 

• Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum

• Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas 

827 Topics in Social Science: Psychology 11-12 (1)

1532 (PSYCH)

Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. The course is divided into six content areas

and uses the scientific methods to explore research methods and ethical consideration. Developmental

psychology takes a life span approach to physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social, and moral development.

Cognitive aspects of the course focus on learning, memory, information processing, and language. Personality,

Assessment, and Mental Health topics include psychological disorders, treatment, personality, and assessment.

Socio-cultural dimensions of behavior deal with topics such as conformity, obedience, perceptions, attitudes, and

influence of the group on the individual. The Biological Basis focuses on the way the brain and nervous system

function, including sensation, perception, motivation, and emotion.

Recommended Grade Level: 11-12

Recommended Prerequisites: None

Credits: 1 semester course. 1 credit. This course and corresponding exam are intended to be comparable to the

corresponding one-semester college level course.

Counts as an Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical

Honors diplomas

  826 Topics in Social Science: Sociology 11-12 (1)


Sociology allows students to study human social behavior from a group perspective. The sociological perspective

is a method of studying recurring patterns in people’s attitudes and actions and how these patterns vary across

time, cultures, and in social settings and groups. Students will describe the development of sociology as a social

science and identify methods of research. Through research methods such as scientific inquiry students will

examine society, group behavior, and social structures. The influence of culture on group behavior is addressed

through institutions such as the family, religion, education, economics, community organizations, government, and

political and social groups. The impact of social groups and institutions on group and individual behavior and the

changing nature of society will be examined. Influences on group behavior and social problems are included in the

course. Students will also analyze the role of individuals in the community and social problems in today’s world.

Recommended Grade Level: Grades 11 or 12

Recommended Prerequisites: None

Credits: 1 semester, 1 credit

Counts as an Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical

Honors diplomas

830 Ethnic Studies 9-12 (1)

More Information coming.

 818 Indiana Studies 9-12 (1)

More information coming.

6700 SAT (College Entrance) Preparation 11 (1)

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+949 Seventh Semester Graduate

More Information coming.