Dual Credit Transcript Request 

Ordering the Dual Credit Transcript

Instructions on ordering transcripts to transfer dual credit

Why is this an important step in attending college next fall?

Ordering your COLLEGE transcript is an important step in attending college in the fall. You will need this to confirm your dual credits that you have earned while in High School. Your High School transcript is not enough to confirm your college credits. The college will need transcripts from the institutions you received your dual credit in order to provide credit for you. If you took both Ivy Tech and ACP dual credit you will need to submit a separate request for both schools.

Think Before you order!

Do not request your dual credit transcript until you are sure all your grades are added for your courses. If you are currently enrolled in a dual credit course you need to wait until final grades are posted. This means waiting a couple of days after the last day of school. This will give your teachers time to post your final grades.

You may not need to send records

If you plan on attending the school (IU or Ivy Tech) you earned the dual credit from you will not have to send them a transcript. It will already be part of your record      with them.

NHS will outline a step by step process to order your Ivy Tech transcripts.

ACP is dual credit earned at Indiana University

Did you take (AP) Advanced Placement Courses? 

Send your test scores via College Board

If you received a 3 or higher on your Advanced Placement test, you will need to log on to your college board account and send those scores to the college you will be attending. The link below will guide your through the process of sending your AP test scores through College Board.


Reminder: You need to request your FINAL HS Transcript

Go to naviance using the link above DO NOT put your username in, click the single sign on! If you haven't done so already, fill out the Northridge Senior Exit Survey OR requesting your transcript under the college tab and choose FINAL Transcript