Photoshop Taxi

Taxi Marketing Campaign


After the students finished their Hippo project, I was contacted by the Mayor of Boston asking for our student's Photoshop help. 

The Mayor noticed you Photoshop skills and is asking for your help. The City of Boston is promoting a new fleet of colorful taxi cab. All yellow is just too boring. 

The students need to create a postcard showing the new colored taxi fleet. The taxis have not been painted yet so the students need to create the postcard using their Photoshop skills.


Check List

Taxi Picture

To submit, first 'Save As' to JPEG format and upload that file to your Google Drive. Click on the JPEG file in Google Drive and goto 'File' and select 'Share'.

Click 'Change' and select the second button from the top. Then copy the Blue URL.

Click on the Submit button and submit the assignment.
