Docs And Microsoft Word Projects

Can students use Microsoft Word to create an information sheet, a sign and a two column newsletter?

Students will learn the following:

Students will need to submit three MS Word Projects. The three projects will be completed in MS Word and uploaded into their Google Drive account so that it can be turned in.

When the MS Word Projects are located in Google Drive the projects will look different. This is ok. 

When you submit the projects, make sure they are not private. You must select File-Share and change from" Private" to "Anyone with a Link". (2nd option from the top)

The three projects are as follows:

Project 1- Make a bulleted list of of materials used in the Manufacturing Process. Students should use the entire page.

Project 2- Make your business sign in landscape orientation with a border on all four sides. Add a 2x3 table of items that your company can manufacture. Be creative.

Project 3- Make a two-column newsletter with a Header. The text cannot be larger than 18 points and must be in both columns. You must have at least one picture and now more than two pictures.


When submitting the three projects make sure you select the correct pulldown, describing which project you are turning in. Also, make sure you select the correct class from the pulldown.
