Bullying Podcasts

Can your voice make a difference?

Although you are only in 6th grade you still have a voice. You will work in groups to create a Podcast in a Program called Audacity.  Your podcast will then be upload to the school website for the world to hear. 

Anti-Bullying Resources

Stop Bullying!

National Bully Prevention Center

Audacity is a free program that anyone can download used to create an audio file.

Audacity allows you to record your voice and edit it on various audio tracks.

Directions for your podcast script:

-You will be placed in a group.

-One person will be the leader and create a Google Doc. 

-Each member of the group will write a sentence about your anti-bullying topic. The leader will then print out the shared document.

-Each member of the group will then read his/her sentence and record it in Audacity.

Free Audacity Download

Free Lame Download (File needed for exporting)

Directions on how to record in Audacity


Music 2

Music 3

Music 4