Excel Darts
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Can students create an Excel data table and graph using data from a fictitious dart team?
Students create a three member team, each throwing 10 darts. Students must:
Create a data table
Write a formula adding up each team member's score
Merge and center the team name
Format the data table in a neat and legible manner
Sort the total scores highest to lowest
Find the team's average score and round it to two decimals
Make a bar or column graph of the players final score, including the team's average
Label the graph and the horizontal and vertical axis
To submit, the students must:
Select the first player's final score, this will show the formula in the formula bar
Put the graph under the data table
Use the Print Screen function on the computer to capture the screen
Paste the captured screen in Paint
Select and crop the formula, the data table and graph
Save this to the desktop and upload the file into your Google drive account
Click on the saved picture and go to File-Share and change from Private to Anyone with a Link
Copy the web address for the picture and SUBMIT it in the link below.