State and Local Performance Report

The WIOA State and Local Performance Report is due on October 1 of each year.  

Additional information regarding the report may be found starting on page E-4 in the NRS Technical Assistance guide.

The report is comprised of 4 sections that have been added in LACES as drill down searches at the student area:


To run the searches:

1. Go to the Student area.

2. Remove the Current Fiscal Year tile to display All Students. 

3. Click the >Searches link.

4. Expand the category: State and Local Performance (SPR).

5. Select the report section you wish to search. 

6. Select the reporting year from the Reporting System drop down list. 

7. Drill down on the number of a cell to display the students.  (Note that not every cell is drill-able.)


Participants on the searches refers to the number of PoPs - NOT individual participants.  You may drill down on the Participant numbers to get the list of students who have PoPs reported on the searches.   

The number of Participants on the search and the number of students on the grid may be different. 

For example (these numbers are for illustration purposes only and are not meant to be representative of the numbers on your search):

18 students have 25 collective PoPs. 

State and Local Performance (SPR) Deduplicated

The Data Deduplication process is typically run for ABE clients prior to the reporting year.  This process merges students into an agency of duplicates to prevent the same students from counting on the NRS tables and the State and Local Performance  (SPR) reports multiple times.  The State and Local Performance (SPR) Deduplicated searches should be used for NRS reporting.  These searches are available at the SEA. 

To run the searches:

1. Go to the Student area in the SEA.

2. Remove the Current Fiscal Year tile to display All Students. 

3. Click the >Searches link.

4. Expand the category: State and Local Performance (SPR) Deduplicated.

5. Select the report section you wish to search. 

6. Select the reporting year from the Reporting System drop down list. 

7. Drill down on the number of a cell to display the students.  (Note that not every cell is drill-able.)

Last update: 9/11/2023