PoP Assessments


Assessment Tab

Assessment grid

Assessments may be manually entered  or manually imported to display in the student record at the Assessment tab.  Clients may also be integrated with 3rd party assessment vendors (DRC (TABE), CASAS, Pearson (GED), or HiSET) for assessments to be automatically imported each night from the vendor.  

The default view at the Assessment tab is  PoP Pre/Post.

Additional views are also available:  All, Pre/Post Scaled, and Pre/Post SPL.

Messages on the assessment card


SPL/GLE overrides Scaled Score when both are entered.

 Scaled Score overrides SPL/GLE when both are entered.

 Scaled score or SPL must be entered

 Date cannot be in the future


 The SPL/GLE score will override the scaled score to populate an assessed level on all TABE assessments that allow an SPL/GLE score when both are entered.

For example, a scaled score of 540 populates the assessed level ABE L4 on the TABE 11/A reading assessment.  If an SPL/GLE of 11.8 is also entered, the assessed level is ABE L6. SPL/GLE overrides the scaled score.

 The scaled score will override the SPL/GLE score to populate an assessed level on all non-TABE assessments that allow an SPL/GLE score when both are entered.

 Assessments that populate a level based on scaled score or SPL/GLE may not be saved with only a raw score.

 Displays on the date field if the date entered is after today's date.

Student header fields

The student header fields will update based on the first activity

 First Activity 



 Student Header Fields 

Subject Area, Entry Level, and Current Level update based on the level-defining assessment. 

The fields will display 'Level Not Defined' when hours are entered, regardless of the number of hours.   Once an assessment is entered, the level fields will reflect the subject area and entry and current level. 


Assessments tab fields

Assessment Rules

Rule 1

A PoP will not populate if the entry level is Completed ESL L6; this is NOT a valid entry level - it is only a valid exit level.

How and when to re-assess students who initially place at Completed ESL L6 is a state or agency policy decision.

Rule 2

The last activity in a PoP, and the first activity in the next PoP after a 90+ day gap determines the PoP pre and post-tests for PoP.  Activities are assessments and hours.  

Rule 3

A new assessment may be entered or an assessments must be moved forward to populate the entry level in the current FY for a PoP that continued from the previous FY.  

Rule 4

All non-tracked subject area assessments follow the same business rules for the tracked subject area assessments; this allows a student to achieve an EFL gain from any assessment pre/post combination.  The PoP Summary record will continue to display the subject area entry and exit levels, but EFL Gain (MSG) may show 'Yes' if the student made a gain in an untracked subject area. 

Rule 5

The user may override the default subject area by clicking the 'Move Forward' icon on the assessment row and selecting to use a different subject area.  

Move Forward icon

To clear a subject area and go back to the default subject area, click the 'Move Forward' icon on the assessment row and select 'Clear as subject area.'

TIP:  To see assessments that were selected as the PoP subject area or have the 'Select Subject' box checked in the assessment record, use the 'All' view at the Assessments tab. 

ESL and the CASAS Life and Work Reading Assessment

The ESL field may be selected in a student record to allow the agency to track the number of students designated as ESL.  This may be selected at the time of intake, or in a student record at the Education tab/ Education panel.

The ESL field also serves a purpose for determining the EFL of the CASAS Life and Work Reading assessment.  This assessment may be used to populate an ABE EFL, or an ESL EFL, depending on whether or not the ESL field was selected at the time the student was assessed.  

For example:

1. A student enters your program, and the ESL field is selected. 

2. The student is pre-tested with the CASAS Life and Work Reading assessment with the entry level ESL L3. 

3. The student earns 12 hours and the PoP populates. 

4. During the PoP, the user changes the student ESL record to indicate that the student is NOT ESL.

5. The student is post-tested with the CASAS Life and Work Reading assessment.  Because the ESL field is not selected, an ABE EFL populates. 

6. This assessment is not used as the post-test, since the PoP pretest was ESL. 


IMPORTANT:  The CASAS Life and Work Reading assessment is not approved to populate ABE levels after 6/30/2019,  It is approved for ESL only through 2/2/2021. 

CASAS Approved for NRS

Assessment Diagnostic Searches

Note that these searches are not intended to match the NRS tables.

Last update:6/7/2019