
Enrolled Students With No Instructional Hours in [X] Days - by Current EFL

The dashboard displays enrolled students with the overall status of Enrolled or Active who do not have instructional hours in the past [X] days starting from yesterday’s date.  [X] is the parameter set by the user.  The dashboard calculates from the date the dashboard is run.  Hours records with 0 hours are counted as no instructional hours.  


Students who meet the widget criteria display by their current EFL.  

Student Intake Monitoring 

Students with the overall status of Prospective or Prospective-Portal Students are returned on the dashboard, regardless of FY or intake date.  

0 will display on the row "Prospective-Portal Students" in clients who do not use the Student Intake Portal. 

Students Enrolled – Actual vs. Target




Enrolled to Date


NRS Participants Enrolled to Date


Non-NRS Participants Enrolled to Date


NRS Participants Enrolled to Date + Non-NRS Participants Enrolled to Date = Enrolled to Date


Students With No Enrollments [X] Days After Intake Date by EFL

Last update:  10/23/2023