Summer Enrichment

Summer Academic Programs are optional & participation does not guarantee any advantage with the admissions process.

Dates & availability are subject to change year-to-year and must be confirmed on web sites.

Links to web sites are offered for your convenience in accessing related information, but do not constitute an endorsement of the website or its content. WHS takes no responsibility for the views, content or accuracy of the information presented by an external website.

Most universities offer some type of “Pre-college/Summer” Program with college credit.  If your student is interested in a particular university or major, check the school’s website for Summer Programs & the pricing.  It can be a great opportunity to get the “feel” for the campus & determine whether it is a good match for post-secondary education.  However, programs can be expensive & price should be a consideration.

Bovard Scholars are high achieving juniors in high school with financial need applying to selective universities and seeking admission counseling. We invite these high-achieving high school juniors with financial need 


If selected, each Bovard Scholar will have one full year of support through the admissions cycle and spend three weeks on the USC campus, where they will receive:

We offer the program at no cost to students or families. USC will pay for transportation to and from campus for students coming from outside of Southern California.



·      LA Pediatric Society Gene Black Summer Medical Career Program – Gr 11

The purpose of the program is to encourage high school students to choose careers in the health professions. This program is best described as a medical mentor program. Participants will attend daily online sessions with presentations/interactive sessions from a variety of general pediatricians, specialists, including surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, infectious disease, ophthalmologists, radiologists, child life, and therapists, (i.e., physical, speech, occupational, or cognitive). Each participant will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program and one $500 scholarship will be awarded.

A variety of topics available in fields of Medicine, Law, International Relations, Cybersecurity, Psychology, & more. For students 13 years & Older. Check site for more details


·         California State Summer School of the Arts (CSSSA):

The California State Summer School for the Arts is a rigorous, preprofessional, month-long training program in the visual and performing arts, creative writing, animation and film for talented artists of high school age. 


California residents enrolled in grades nine through twelve may apply to attend CSSSA. Students from outside of California may also apply; twenty are admitted each year. Participants are selected in the spring, on the basis of their talent and creativity as demonstrated through assignments and teacher recommendations. The student body is representative of the ethnic and socioeconomic diversity of the state. The admissions process is highly competitive. Students invited to the school are named California Arts Scholars.


·         Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) - PAID Summer research program

The School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology offers a paid virtual summer research program for high school students. In this six-week program, students will have the opportunity to work alongside a faculty member from the School of Business and assist them with research in their area of study such as entrepreneurship, marketing, management, economics, and finance.  At the conclusion of the program students will complete both a written and oral presentation.  The written report will include a literature review, and the oral presentation will include a 5-minute video of a PowerPoint presentation detailing their research findings. The program will run in summer from July-August, and students will receive a $500 stipend after completing the program.

Eligibility - Applicants must currently be in their junior year of high school (no exceptions).


UC Santa Barbara's Summer Research Academies offer a dynamic, 4-week summer experience that introduces qualified high school students to the research enterprise through project-based, directed research in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences fields. Students will take a 4-unit university course in which they choose and develop a research topic specific to the track they select, under the direction of an instructor who is conducting active research in that field.

Students will develop academic and professional skills by presenting their research findings in a capstone seminar, networking with peers, and experiencing university life in a challenging environment. The lecture series - GRIT talks - will connect students to some of the best minds among the UC Santa Barbara research community as they present on their ground-breaking research and innovative technology.

Applications will open on December 15 - close March 15

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis  

The Research Mentorship Program is a competitive, six-week summer program that engages qualified, high-achieving high school students from all over the world in interdisciplinary, hands-on, university-level research. Students will be paired up with a mentor (graduate student, postdoc, or faculty) and choose a research project from a large list of disciplines offered by the program each year.

In addition to gaining a deep relationship with their mentor, students will learn about research techniques, gain insight into professional research-based opportunities, and mature their academic goals. The lecture series - GRIT talks - will connect students to some of the best minds among the UC Santa Barbara research community as they present on their ground-breaking research and innovative technology. Along with these academic benefits, the students will be immersed in university life and network with equally ambitious and curious peers.

Applications open on December 15 - close March 15

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis 


·         USC Summer Programs:  

Summer Programs runs from June to July 15

Join us for an academically rigorous, socially packed 4-week summer experience. Whether you are interested in breaking down the molecular biology of today’s lunch or developing a character from a short story to put into a college portfolio, USC Summer Programs allows you to take intellectual risks, hone your skills, discover your passions, and kick start your college experience!

You are now invited to apply now for in-person USC Summer Programs. We can't wait to welcome our highly motivated high school students back to campus next summer!

Choose from over 20 courses in multiple disciplines –– from business and engineering to acting and creative writing, there's a wide range of courses and subjects for you to explore.

·         UCLA Summer Sessions:  

 Summer Courses

Choose from 100+ in person courses in over 30 subject areas and study alongside UCLA students. Get acclimated to the fast pace of the college quarter system.

Take UCLA on the go and earn UCLA credit anywhere. Summer Online is specifically designed and optimized for online course instruction and learning.

Immerse yourself in an accelerated learning experience and earn the same amount of UCLA credit in just three weeks.

Take 1-2 UCLA courses alongside UCLA undergraduates and receive exclusive access to co-curricular enhancements that foster academic growth and college readiness. You will leave UCLA equipped with the skills necessary to succeed at world-class universities. SCIP into your future at UCLA.

Receive a comprehensive and immersive study of your chosen subject in one to three weeks. Through co-curricular components including hands-on projects and performances, field visits, and guest lectures, you will have an educational experience that goes beyond classroom instruction.

·         Summer Sessions at UC Santa Barbara (>600 summer courses) 

With seven sessions of varying length to choose from, more than 10,000 students flock to our seaside campus to pursue their unique educational goals during the summer months. A widely varied curriculum boasts more than 600 courses across all disciplines to appeal to a diverse group of students, with the makeup of the summer population including matriculated UC Santa Barbara students, visiting university students from domestic and international locations, high achieving high school students, and curious and driven community members looking to learn something new.  

 ·         Yale Young Global Scholars: 

Highly selective two-week academic & leadership experience for exceptional high school students. Check for more information & to apply

 ·         UC Davis Young Scholars program : 

The UC Davis Young Scholars Program is a summer residential research program designed to expose approximately 40 high achieving high school students to the world of original research in the natural sciences with emphases on the biological, environmental and agricultural sciences. Check for more information & to apply

 ·         University of Alabama Early College:  

The UA Early College Program provides high school sophomores, juniors, & seniors the opportunity to earn college credit from over 80 ONLINE courses & earn up to 30 hrs of college credit.  Check for more information


Summer academies for high school students include ROC Nation (vocal, music technology, & sports management), Roosevelt Leadership Academy (Presidential & Global), & Honors College.


The National Flight Academy (NFA) is an interactive, immersive learning adventure that focuses on inspiring youth to take a greater interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  

The NFA’s capstone program is a 6-day, 5-night Deployment for 7th to 12th grade students. The program begins on Sunday at noon and ends on Friday at noon with a graduation ceremony. While living aboard the AMBITION, AXPs are enveloped in a virtual world - the centerpiece of which is the X-12B Triad experimental aircraft powered by Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D simulation software. AXPs apply science and mathematics skills while planning missions utilizing large SMART boards powered by Google Earth technology. Mission scaffolding is utilized, making each assignment more challenging than the one before. 

Explore Engineering Innovation, formerly Engineering Innovation, is an exciting, college-level, summer course for motivated high school students with an aptitude in math and science and an interest in (or curiosity about) engineering. This program has been available to high school students since 2006. During the course, students learn to think and problem-solve like engineers and have the opportunity to earn Johns Hopkins University (JHU) credit.

During the course, students complete activities in civil, chemical, electrical/computer, mechanical engineering, and materials science. By applying knowledge of math and science to labs and hands-on projects, the concepts learned in high school classrooms are linked to real-world practice. Additionally, students’ confidence grows as they attend college-level lectures, solve problems, test theories, and ultimately learn to think like engineers.

We provide advanced classes for high achieving high school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine or related fields, such as biomedical research, drug development, pharmacy or nursing. We offer several workshops – Molecular Biology of Cancer, Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Immunology, Medical and Translational Bioinformatics and Biomedical Research – that are taught by PhD-level instructors with years of research and teaching experience. Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are disrupted or distorted during the development of disease. In addition, there is a heavy emphasis on modern drug development and the emergence of the era of personalized medicine. To conclude the workshop, students use what they have learned to create an original research project on a gene or molecular process of their choice.

Students are housed in on-campus undergraduate dorms in doubles, triples or quads, and eat in campus dining facilities. Teaching assistants/residential advisors live with the students and are available to mentor and assist the students. In addition, the camp directors are on-site 24 hours/day. 

Offering a 1-week summer camp for high school students who excel in math, science and technology courses and are interested in pursuing engineering, architecture, or a related field in college or a military service academy. This camp is high energy and hands-on for students from across the country and around the world. The camp is lead by a professional staff of engineers from both private industry, the Air Force, other uniformed military services, USAFA cadets and college students from across the country.  


Located at Gettysburg College: Built on the tradition of Dwight D. Eisenhower's commitment to public service, this program is designed for highly motivated high school students who have a passion for understanding the importance of civic engagement within the American political system and advancing the "unfinished work" of American democracy. (Rolling admissions, deadline June)

A week-long Leadership Program at UCLA (not affiliated with UCLA) where the curriculum is based upon the experience of those who themselves have accomplished great success – both professionally and personally.  LEAP is a non-profit organization committed to educating young adults about goal-setting, effective communication, and the invaluable power of mentorship – all of which are essential in helping today’s youth succeed, yet often omitted from most formal educational systems.  For more information, check

WHS is allowed to nominate 1 student for this Seminar.  Students who represent a variety of leadership strengths and/or may include participation in campus clubs & student body offices, athletic, musical, academic, or theatrical accomplishments.  There is no cost to attend if selected with lodging, meals, notebooks, & pens supplied.   If you are interested in being nominated for this event scheduled in June, then you must submit to Mrs. Mertel in CCC by March 1st, the following information (typed):

1.      Name, home address, email address, cell phone

2.      List activities in which you have participated that would indicate your leadership interests (example: school, work, sports, community)

3.      What is your strongest attribute?

4.      What about you would you like to improve?

5.      This seminar will encourage you to dream bigger dreams, & focus on putting your dreams into action. What is your dream?

6.      What is your favorite quote?

7.      What is your favorite movie?

8.      Is there anything else you want us to know about you?

Service Academy Summer Camp- Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) is a 6-day intense, immersive, hands on program.  

Summer Program for current high school Juniors. This is an extremely great opportunity for some of your high achieving high school juniors that may be interested in the Naval Academy. The program is a week long and occurs in June. 



The Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) is a nationally recognized program for graduating high school seniors that fosters the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources.  

Once you complete a CLYLP program, you join the CLYLP familia of more than 5,000 alumni. CLYLP offers support and unique opportunities open only to CLYLP alumni throughout their academic careers, including, scholarships, internships and fellowships.

A five week, all expense-paid summer fellowship for juniors who self-identify as Jewish.  

A highly selective, week-long experience for 10th grade African-American students to live on campus, take classes, & learn what it takes to be a successful college-bound student at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.  


With the Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad programs and scholarships, you will have the opportunity to learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become a global citizen. You can choose to study abroad for a full academic year or during a gap year immediately following high school graduation before beginning college or university. If going to high school abroad is not your thing (or staying for an entire school year), you could choose a short summer abroad exchange program lasting from a few weeks to a couple of months. Regardless of your choice, the Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad program will be one of your greatest lifetime experiences. 


A great resource for summer enrichment from Collegewise.