Kit Sam Writing Competition - S3 Merit

Film Review

by Yeung Ting Kwan (3B)

Inside Out (2015)

Director: Jonas Rivera

Starring: Amy Meredith Poehler (Joy), Phyllis Smith (Sadness), Richard Bruce Kind(Bing Bong), Lewis Niles Black(Anger), Bill Hader (Fear), Mindy Kaling (Disgust), Kaitlyn Dias (Riley), Diane Lane (Jill), Kyle Merritt (Riley’s dad)

Category: Animation

Duration: 94 mins

Rating: ««««« (5 Stars)

Reviewed by: Amy Yeung

This is a film which sets in the mind of a young girl named Riley Anderson, where five personified emotions – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust try to lead her through life as she and her parents adjust to their new surroundings after moving from Minnesota to San Francisco.

As Riley grows up, her experiences become memories, stored in coloured orbs, which are sent into long-term memory each night. Joy acts as a leader in Railey’s brain. Since Joy and other emotions do not understand Sadness’s purpose, Joy tries to keep Sadness away from the console. However, Sadness was so naughty and didn’t listen to others. She touched one of the orbs, and made Riley cry suddenly. Then, Joy and Sadness went to the storage area of Railey’s memories. Anger, Fear and Disgust tried their best to maintain Railey’s happiness. Unfortunately, they were failed. Finally, Joy and Sadness were back, and Sadness got some functions. Let’s guess what functions sadness had in the end.

It is suitable for everyone to watch this film. This film is meaningful, exciting and interesting. You have to watch it! It tells you that human emotions affect interpersonal relationship. It tells that we’d better not harbor unpleasant feelings always. Smile more! The film is exciting because the characters like going on adventures. The reason why I said this film is interesting is because every personified emotion has their unique personality. They argue with one another, which makes the film so funny. Everyone should go and see it!