
This page is providing you with the main recommended links I use. Those that are YouTube you can subscribe to

That Pedal Show bi weekly reviews with Mick and Dan strictly Analog with some Digital pedals, do not like modelers and solid state amps, traditional guitars and amps in vintage area

Pete Thorn Sunday LA time stream plus gear reviews use. uses Line 6, Fractal Audio, Kemper modelling, main person to show use of attenuators, reactive load and speaker IRS has his own signature guitar and amps with John Suhr likes Marshall type amps first, but also has Vox. Fender and others.

Tim Pierce With Pete do a joint show with guests, Tim is a session musician who has great lessons website and has guests on tuition

Mike Hermans Gear demos great guitarist pop into the chemist is his slogan

Shawn Tubbs Gear demos great guitarist detailed reviews

Brett Kingman Gear demos great guitarist detailed reviews uses Fractal Audio Axe, several amps

Tone Talk David Friedman owner of Friedman amps and guitars and Mark Huzanky have guests weekly long stream talking about gear, artists, sound and how things are made

Gilourish riis Bjorn does all things David Gilmour or Pink Floyd, including his gear, tone with videos and a great website

Tom Quayle Known for fast legato, teaches and has lessons and does gear reviews for magazines and shops in the UK Tuition and videos on how to use Apple's DAW software Logic Pro X, I printed the manual which is 6inches thick

Best Guitar Effects Internet magazine that reviews pedals and ranks them

Justin Guitar Tuition Probably the best guitar tuition most of it free under donation by Justin Sandercoe with a great website