Kyffin FAQ

How does hot lunch at Kyffin work? 

Lunch will be free for all students. A few days before school starts, you’ll receive information regarding School Café which is the online school lunch software.  Parents can set up an account for their student(s) and electronically add money for their student(s) to use towards purchasing from the a la carte menu.  The Kyffin website has a Lunch Menu tab in the bottom left hand corner where parents can print the school lunch menu each month. Go to to create your account. You can set restrictions on particular days for the “extra” items your student is allowed or not allowed to purchase.  

What is flex testing? 

Grades and teachers do testing differently, but you can expect a few days throughout the year to bring your student in for a brief period for testing and then no school the rest of the day. 

August 25th and 28th: Students come to school by appointment only and do not have regular classes or lunch served. Information about timing and testing sign-up will be sent by teachers. Plan for approximate times:

How do teacher parent conferences work? 

Currently, conferences are scheduled three times throughout the year. You are invited to come in person or virtually to meet your student’s teacher. Recently, these have been hosted after school hours. 

How do I know what bus my child rides and where/what time they catch the bus? 

Shortly before school starts, you’ll receive details regarding the school bus drop off/pick up locations and school bus numbers for Kyffin. You can also look up this information on the Jeffco School Bus & Transportation page at

If my child usually takes the bus home but is getting home a different way one day, do I need to tell somebody?

Yes!  Your child’s kindergarten teacher should always know how your child is getting home each day.  The kindergarten teachers will ask all parents at the start of the school year how your child gets home each day.  If the way your child is getting home is going to be different one day, email the teacher the day before with what this change is so that the teacher can help make sure your child gets to where they need to be.  If your child is riding the bus home with a friend, email your teacher to let them know and you will also need to write a note for the bus driver confirming your child is getting off the bus with CHILD’S NAME  that day.

How does end of day dismissal work?

If you’re picking up your child to walk home from school, you will wait outside their classroom door until the "walkers" are released by the teachers. Students who ride the bus are lined up by bus number and released as a group to their bus. If you are driving your child home, a teacher takes all the kids to the “hug and go line” and a teacher releases the student as their parent pulls up. We recommend you park and pick up your child to start the year. Please talk with your teacher when you are ready to transition to the “hug and go line”. You must stay in your car at all times and students must enter from the curb side. 

What are the After-School Activities like at Kyffin? 

A variety of after school activities are offered at Kyffin including dance, yoga, drama club, chess club, cooking classes, karate, mad science, robotics, etc.  There is a Fall, Winter and Spring session of after school activities and these programs are usually held immediately after school and end around 4-4:40pm.  The Fall after school activity schedule is usually available within the first two weeks of school starting. 

How do excused absences work at Kyffin? 

If you have a trip planned and your student will miss more than 2 days of school, you must fill in the prearranged absence form: 

What is the homework policy at Kyffin? 

The purposes of assigning homework: Additional practice of skills previously learned; Extension of learning (i.e. projects, presentations); Building good study habits; Bringing home and school closer together by giving parents another opportunity to see what is going on in class.

How can I get involved at Kyffin? 

There are multiple ways to get involved at Kyffin both in the classroom and at school events and activities.  Within the classroom the room parent (who organizes classroom parties) or leading an ELF activity (Exploratory Learning for the Future curriculum offered 5x a year and led by parents) are two great ways to participate in your child’s classroom.  A variety of PTA sponsored events and activities are held throughout the year and details and volunteer opportunities are advertised to parents in your child’s Friday Folder, the PTA website, the school newsletter, etc.