About PTA

Get Involved  *  Stay Informed  *  And Make a Difference!

The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.  The Kyffin PTA supports education through active participation and advocacy.  We strive to improve children’s well-being by focusing on what students need to be successful in their learning, including proper nutrition, safety and healthy environments. The PTA can benefit everyone, for strong schools mean stronger communities. Effectively communicating information is a key component in our success.  Involved parents and caretakers can understand the challenges schools face and become part of the solution.  PTA membership is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children.

National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnership                                                                                                 

What does PTA do for Kyffin?

As stated above, Kyffin PTA's primary role is in advocacy, however we also have the unique ability to offer budgetary support and help fill the gaps created by insufficient funding at the district and state level.  This is possible thanks to the generous support and monetary help from parents like you! Here are just some examples of how Kyffin PTA is making a difference at our school.  This support allows our administration to retain as many staff positions as possible and therefore keep classroom size as low as possible.

In addition to helping offset some of the school's necessary expenditures, we also host/sponsor MOST of the community events, programs, and activities offered at Kyffin throughout the year.  These PTA sponsored events and activities are also creating parent/family engagement through multiple volunteer opportunities. 

Kyffin Kick-off Event  --  Science Fair  --  Reflections  --  Oral Interpretation --  Talent Show  --   Multicultural Night  --  Grand Night Out  --  E.L.F. --  Robotics Club --  Book Club -- Staff Appreciation & Potlucks

How Can You Help the PTA?

Did you know that when you join PTA...

2022-23 PTA Board Members