Yard Signs for 5A/5B, Advocacy Info Tables, & Boots on the Boulevard

Post date: Sep 30, 2018 7:20:09 PM

Kyffin PTA has endorsed Jeffco's 5a/5b ballot initiatives and Amendment 73. Here is some general information about each of the ballot questions.

Yard Signs for 5A/5B are in and PTA will have them available for pick-up across the street from Kyffin after school on October 1st!! The campaign is asking people to make a donation to www.wearejeffco.com when you pick up your sign.

Help with School Funding Info Tables during conferences or come learn about the issues and nail down your talking points. Most people in our schools see and understand why these inititavies are on the ballot. We need YOU to be able to reach out to your parts of the community that are not connected with our schools and help them understand why we need them to vote for Amednemt 73, the mill levy override and bond!

Join us for Boots on the Boulevard, Oct. 5th! Please sign up for the event here. Kyffin has been assigned the corner of 10th and Wadsworth. Bring posters and kids! In case you don't know what this event is, it is when supporters line the entire length of Wadsworth from one end of Jeffco to the other with signs and people to encourage our community to vote for our schools! It is usually a pretty fun night especially if you go out to dinner with all of your friends at the end of the event!

Contact Advocacy Liaison Karyn Peabody at karynpeabody@gmail.com if you are willing and able to help!