Letter Writing & Petitions Update

Post date: Apr 29, 2018 9:33:36 PM

Advocacy Update

On April 19th PTA hosted a Letter Writing campaign and Great Schools, Thriving Communities petition signing event. Our community sent 115 letters to our lawmakers in Washington, DC and here in CO! Many of our letters addressed the topics of School Funding, School Safety, and letting our Legislators know that we supported our teachers who walked out on April 26th to advocate for our schools, students, and staff.

We also collected enough signatures to fill two petitions for the Great Schools, Thriving Communities ballot initiative! If enough signatures are collected from across the state the GSTC ballot initiative will be placed on the November ballot. If it passes, it could greatly increase school funding for our Jeffco students. Please click here for more information and to find out where to sign (or carry!) a petition if you missed your opportunity at Kyffin.