Guest Speaker, Jeffco PTA, & Parenting Safe Children

Post date: Jan 24, 2020 11:16:11 PM

Please join us at 5:30 pm when Executive Director of Security and Emergency Management for Jeffco Public Schools, John McDonald, discusses school safety. John is recognized internationally as the architect of the post Columbine High School tragedy security and emergency management plan. John has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the White House as an expert on active shooter preparedness and emergency planning, and has managed several school-based crisis.

Throughout the year, Jeffco PTA has many events and programs that enhance education and help build a connected community. The 2019-2020 Calendar of PTA Events and Programs for Jeffco PTA will be listed here. Save these dates on your calendar to attend informational programs from Jeffco PTA:

Last week every family should have received a flyer about our upcoming Parenting Safe Children Workshop in April. For registration information please go here.